Clues Hit and Clouds of Doubt (3)

"It's just a Detoxification Pill," Xu Bai said with a smile."

As he spoke, Xu Bai controlled Ghost Head Blade and broke all of Seven Ghost's teeth.

"Begging for mercy should be like begging for mercy. You're not the one asking me questions, understand?"

Seven Ghost was able to recover. He was really in pain.

There was a saying that toothache was not a disease, but it was really fatal when it hurt.

Moreover, Xu Bai had used Ghost Head Blade to crush all of his teeth. The pain was worse than digging his heart out.

A moment later, Seven Ghost returned to normal, but this time, he was terrified. He didn't even dare to look Xu Bai in the eye.

" Brother Yun," Xu Bai turned his head and said," I told you that no matter how evil a person is, they will be obedient after being beaten up.""