Clues Hit and Clouds of Doubt (4)

When Xu Bai heard this, he put the pill back into the bottle and said with a smile,""That's right. I like honest people. Otherwise, you'll have to waste another pill of mine."

"Brother Xu, I know about the Chen family." Yun Zihai frowned and said.

Xu Bai raised his hand and said," We'll find a quiet place later. We'll talk slowly. Now, let's get rid of this guy first.""

When Seven Ghost heard this, he opened his mouth wide and said," Please spare my life. I know everything you want to know. Please spare my life. I promise to hide far away and never go against you again.""

None of the three people present replied.

Xu Bai tossed the Ghost Head Blade to Chu Yu and said,""Kill him until he can no longer be resurrected."

Chu Yu took it in a flurry. She was stunned at first, then she took a deep breath and walked to Seven Ghost.

Throughout the entire process, he did not say a single word.

"Why aren't you bargaining with me this time?"Xu Bai teased.