Clues Hit and Clouds of Doubt (5)

"You mean to wait?" Xu Bai frowned."

Yun Zihai nodded and said," If they want to cause trouble, they will definitely continue. This time, we will not be like before, without any targets. This time, we can narrow the scope to the Chen family. Once there is any movement, we will be able to quickly discover it."

Xu Bai thought about it carefully. It was not impossible.

After having a goal, he could concentrate on it, but now, it was the same as narrowing the target to the Chen family.

Judging from the current situation, the enemy was in the dark while they were in the light. They could only wait for the enemy to expose themselves first before they had the opportunity to attack.

"Then it's settled. By the way, have you recovered?"Xu Bai looked at Chu Yu and asked.

Chu Yu had been sitting at the side ever since she entered the house. She did not say anything and just lowered her head.