I Want to Borrow Xu Bai's Life Providence (3)

"Where?" Xu Bai's eyes lit up.

Hearing such news was undoubtedly the most exciting, especially when it concerned the Indestructible Body.

"Only the physical body is indestructible, but the soul is not."Chu Yu pointed at her own head and said,""So that genius of Taoism wanted to improve it again, but there was a problem. His soul was destroyed and he died. That was very early, during the period of the Gale Country."

To improve the cultivation technique?

Divine Soul Extinguishment?

Xu Bai rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

Based on what Chu Yu said earlier, it was very difficult to obtain the cultivation technique of the Indestructible Body.

How could he obtain a Return when he was already dead?

Moreover, the drawbacks of this cultivation technique were too great, especially in the aspect of the divine soul.

The divine soul was the soul and the consciousness.

If he lost his divine soul and only had a physical body, what was the use?