I Want to Borrow Xu Bai's Life Providence (4)

Yun Zihai's existence was a part of Feng Shui, but it was only half of it. As a Feng Shui master, the masked man represented the other half.

Now, since he couldn't destroy all of them, the masked man wanted to destroy half of them. At least, he wouldn't let Xu Bai and the others have an easy time.

"What are you still doing here?"The masked man saw that the black-robed man was still standing there and thought that the black-robed man was afraid of death. He said,"At least they don't know where we are, so we're safe for now."

"Yes, this subordinate understands." The black-robed man bowed, and his eyes flashed.""Your subordinate is not worried about life and death, but something else."

"What is it?" the masked man asked.

The black-robed man approached the masked man and said,""Yes…"

Before he could finish speaking, the black-robed man was decisive. He directly hit the masked man's chest with his palm.