Xu Bai Will Be Coaxed, But Not Coerced (3)

Of course, he didn't walk out at that time, but lay down. It was said that after he said that, King You Sheng invited him to the military camp and drank for a night.

On the surface, he was drinking, but everyone knew in secret that the screams in the military camp had never stopped that night.

After experiencing that incident, the Tong Residence Magistrate did not mind, but at least he restrained himself a little and did not dare to speak casually anymore.

However, the contempt in his bones did not decrease at all. On the contrary, as time passed, it increased.

When Tong Manor Leader heard his subordinate's report and heard that his hand seemed to have paused for a moment, he seemed to be in a difficult position and could not help but frown.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Don't hesitate. What's there to be afraid of?"