Xu Bai Will Be Coaxed, Not Coerced (4)

The bailiffs 'faces were pale. They did not dare to make any movement at all, afraid that they would be pierced by these fragments if they took a step forward.

"I hate people who climb up to my nose. Things can only be done once or twice. Answer me, do you really want to die?"Xu Bai's tone was very calm.

A unique killing intent emerged from his body and surrounded him.


Ever since he had joined this circle, no one had ever dared to say this to him. Even Song De, who was in charge of these things, had explained the reason to him.

Now, these lackeys actually dared to say such words?

If he had really done something wrong, he would have admitted to locking him up. But now, he was only asking him to go over and clarify the truth. Why should he be locked up?

Who gave him the authority to lock up and arrest people without evidence, and even an official of the imperial court?

"Slap." Xu Bai said slowly.