An Inexplicable Death (1)

They had arrived at Wind Chimes Manor.

Compared to the previous few manors, Wind Chime Manor seemed to be particularly unique. Compared to those few manors, this Wind Chime Manor had a unique style.

The word "wind chime" was actually referring to music.

Here, even ordinary people knew some music, and music became the main melody.

The puppet of the Fourth Stage was holding a horse in each hand, while Xu Bai and Ye Zi were walking on foot. Ye Zi leaned against Xu Bai and held his hand.

Xu Bai looked at the scenery on both sides of the street and sighed. The style here was slightly different.

On both sides of the street, there were various vendors selling various kinds of musical instruments in addition to some daily items. Musical instruments had become the mainstream here, and every ordinary person looked different.