An Inexplicable Death (2)

Xu Bai touched his face.

Although this was a fact, it was not to this extent.

Ye Zi moved closer to Xu Bai's ear. Due to her height, she tried her best to raise her fair neck and whispered,"Young Master, all of the Ye Clan's distinguished guests will not let the Ye Clan's women see their appearances. They want to avoid seeing extremely outstanding ones that would attract the Ye Clan's women to fight for them."

One sentence was enough to explain everything to Xu Bai.

Good heavens, even the Ye family, which treated their family members as commodities, had to look at their faces. In this day and age, looks were indeed justice.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed so.

If one looked at one's appearance first, they would naturally fight over the outstanding one. After all, who would want to commit themselves to an ugly one?

However, it was a different story when it came to ugly ones.