An Inexplicable Death (4)

Following this action, two servant girls immediately walked in with their heads lowered and brought Xu Bai and Ye Zi to two upper rooms.

Xu Bai and Ye Zi stayed in one room, while the puppet of the Fourth Stage stayed in another room. After all, in Patriarch Ye's eyes, the puppet of the Fourth Stage was a living person.

The room was truly superior. From the layout to the furnishings, everything was top-notch. Even the soft mattress on the bed carried a strange fragrance that made people feel refreshed.

The bed was big enough for a few people to roll on it. It seemed that the Ye family was sensible enough to decorate the guest room well.

There was also a curtain next to it, and behind the curtain was a huge wooden bucket for bathing.

"Lord Xu, do you need hot water?" The two maids looked at each other and asked.

Xu Bai was tired from the long journey, so he nodded in agreement.

"Bring me a change of clothes. It's in my old room."Ye Zi added.