Chapter 139-Inexplicable Death (8000)

Ye Zi did not say anything.

Xu Bai didn't say anything. He pulled Ye Zi and walked past Ye Yu. He didn't even look at her and walked out of the door.

This woman was boring.

The puppet of the Fourth Stage carried the backpack on its back and followed behind Xu Bai.

Only Ye Yu was left, alone in the wind.

The two maids did not dare to look, but from their stifling expressions, it could be seen that they wanted to laugh, but they did not dare to.

"In this day and age, do people still mind having too many women?"Ye Yu was completely numb.

What she thought was that since Xu Bai was not as terrifying as the rumors said, there was a need to get close to him. After all, in terms of potential, Xu Bai's potential was extremely huge.

However, she never expected Xu Bai to not even look at her.

Was she worse than Ye Zi?

Perhaps it was a little worse. After all, Ye Zi's gentleness was natural, but it was not much worse.

"Impossible." Ye Yu muttered to herself.