The Candle in the Tomb (2)


The door closed, and Master Qian's voice was no longer heard.


Xu Bai did not know what happened after that. In fact, he had already discovered the existence of the men in black when he entered the Qian family.

However, he did not interfere too much because he could feel that the Qian family head knew about the black-robed man, and this black-robed man did not show too much killing intent towards him.

As for the identity of this man in black, Xu Bai could easily guess it. It was very likely that he was the person who protected the Qian family's safety.

That was why he did not interfere too much. Moreover, he had more important things to do now.

Xu Bai did not return to the inn, but instead began to stroll around the Fenghua State.

With the help of the Feng Shui Arithmetic, everything in front of him was no longer ordinary.

To make a very simple analogy, when he normally took a trip to this city, it was just an ordinary shopping trip.