The Candle in the Tomb (3)

Under the circulation of his True Core Strength, the Computational Canon of Feng Shui appeared on his body. Waves of Feng Shui power rose and fell, surging out like waves.

In front of him, this small hill no longer looked ordinary. Instead, it looked like a good geomancy pattern.

"Not bad, it's indeed a good place to be buried."Xu Bai said slowly.

Ye Zi didn't understand this. She crossed her hands and placed them on her lower abdomen as she stood behind Xu Bai.

The puppet of the Fourth Stage carried an enormous bundle on its back, and just like that, it stood guard by the side.

This was a very strange combination, but there was also a wonderful fusion.

"Let's go and take a look." Xu Bai strode toward the mountain.


Deep in the mountains.

At this moment, the large group of people was still waiting at the same spot.

The leader had his hands behind his back, and the dirt on his fingernails was extremely eye-catching.