The Day Is Dead, Only Nian Yue Is Left (1)

"No, my lord!"

When the girl who had just spoken heard this, she immediately used her hands and feet to crawl in front of Zhu Shan. She hugged Zhu Shan's leg and cried, her voice hoarse.

Not only her, but the other women also had the same expression. Other than fear, there was also deep despair.

Their clothes were not enough to cover their bodies. A few timid ones even fainted.

The sound of wheels rolling on the ground could be heard. Soon, two soldiers pushed the cart and stopped in the middle of the bonfire.

On the cart was a net made of chains.

The soldier threw the iron net, and it immediately spread out to a length of more than ten meters.

Zhu Shan kicked the woman away and pursed his lips. His face was full of disdain."Lowly citizen of Great Chu, how dare you touch my armor?"

The woman was kicked away and rolled a few times before she struggled to get up from the ground.