The Sun Is Dead, Only Nian Yue Is Left

This allowed him to finally see the extreme cruelty of this world.

In Great Chu, the rules of all sides were very strict. King Sheng You even made the people in the army abide by the rules, so this kind of thing did not happen.

But here, these things were commonplace.

Especially the pile of corpses in the morning, as well as the various wounds on the corpses, it was obvious that those female corpses were really thrown into the beggar's nest when they were alive.

Xu Bai felt that he had never been a particularly kind person, but sometimes, there were some things that he really could not tolerate.

Pity, or something else.

All in all, Xu Bai wanted to kill someone tonight, especially after his divine soul sensed Zhu Shan's actions just now.

This group of people who looked like humans on the surface had long been mentally distorted.