The Day Is Dead, Only Nian Yue Is Left

"A commoner, you must have the awareness of a commoner."

"The Great Chu Country was only established by chance after the collapse of the Gale Country. How dare you talk about strict military discipline?"

"They're just a bunch of clay chickens and clay dogs."

The smile on Zhu Shan's face grew deeper and deeper. He even imagined that this group of women were the emperors of Great Chu. That perverted mentality became more and more profound.

A woman walked out from the crowd with a fearful expression on her face. She pointed at the spikes on the iron net with trembling hands.

"I... I'm willing to get lost."

Thinking of the torture that the women in the same village had suffered this morning, the woman felt that the physical pain might be a little lighter.

With the first person standing up, there were people standing up one after another.

Soon, the group of timid women expressed their willingness to go up and roll around.