The Sun Is Dead, Only Nian Yue Is Left

Behind the headless corpse, a man with an ordinary appearance and dressed in ordinary clothes was slowly walking over.

"You... You…"

The woman didn't know what to say. She kept repeating the words and was shocked by the scene in front of her.

"Come out," Xu Bai said lightly."

It was a simple sentence, but it was not directed at the people present. Instead, it was directed at a certain place.

The shadow twisted, and soon, Shadow Moon walked out. Before she could say anything, Xu Bai grabbed her neck.

"What a good plan. As expected of a photography studio." Xu Bai's eyes were filled with killing intent as he spoke slowly.

"First, he deliberately showed up, then he acted as if he was going to kill these women and give them a quick death."

"The purpose of doing this is to make me believe that you have already escaped, right?"

"Then, you can quietly hide at the side and see if I have any flaws, so that you can guess my true identity."