Xu Bai's First Battle

When Xu Bai's voice rang out, Ah Wu, who was still playing with rocks, instantly woke up. He raised his head abruptly and looked in Xu Bai's direction. Then, his face was filled with confusion.

"What's wrong? Aren't you controlling your clone? He came back so quickly. Did he run into an Absolute Saint?"

When Xu Bai was controlling the clone, he only had a little bit of consciousness left in his main body. Of course, this bit of consciousness was enough for him to protect himself.

However, Ah Wu felt bored and ignored Xu Bai.

At this moment, Xu Bai suddenly came to talk to her and confused her.

" Something like that. I did run into the Absolute Saint's plan, but this plan seems to be a freak combination of factors. It's quite in line with my thoughts."Xu Bai roughly explained what had happened.""That's probably the situation. I'm now in another world. Of course, that's just my clone."