Xu Bai's First Battle

"I hope everything is fine." She thought to herself.


The Wings Race.

Xu Bai controlled his clone. After it returned to normal, he did not stay in the room and directly stepped out.

Outside the room, two girls of the Wings Race were guarding. When they saw Xu Bai come out, they quickly lowered their heads to show the highest respect.

"Sir, is there anything we can do?"

Xu Bai shook his head and suddenly said,""Actually, I gave him a chance."

The Wings Race girl was slightly stunned.

Xu Bai's eyes turned cold.

"I gave him so much time just now, but he still hasn't finished collecting the items. He's probably stalling for time. I don't know what he's stalling for. Besides, you two were monitoring me here, and it seems like something was transmitted by you two just now. I can feel that it should be your unique transmission method."