Do Mosquitoes Carry Viruses?

Sunset, Holy Shield region.

At this moment, it was like an apocalypse.

At that time, a huge meteorite had cracked open in the sky above the Holy Shield region.

It split into thousands of silver meteorites and fell to the ground.

Of the thousands of meteorites, most landed within Sunset.

A very small portion fell into the sea.

The meteorite in front of the Assistant Liwen was just one of many.

The effect of all the meteorites was the same as the meteorite that Liwen had picked up. There was a fatal virus in the meteorite.

The scene Li Chengqian saw from the surveillance footage was repeated all over Sunset.

Gunshots, roars of fear, and cries of despair appeared everywhere in Sunset. It was as if it was an apocalypse.

The doors of the White House were tightly closed. It was a thick steel door that was missile-proof.