Early Enrolment

Tianyi Normal University, Principal's office.

Principal Zhao Chengfei's smile was extremely warm as he welcomed Li Chengqian in.

"Li Chengqian, welcome to Tianyi Normal University." Zhao Chengfei had been overjoyed recently. The Tianyi Normal University's reputation had soared after Li Chengqian filled in the application form for the University.

Then, many famous professors and scholars began to contact the school, asking to teach at Tianyi Normal University.

There were also many wealthy businessmen who used all kinds of connections to inquire about Tianyi Normal University. Then, they tried all means to talk to Zhao Chengfei about investing in the University's scientific research projects.

Most of them had a condition attached, which was that Li Chengqian needed to participate in the scientific research project. As such, the relevant companies and wealthy businessmen only made initial contact.