The Myriad World Novel Network

"The cultural recreation industry in this world is actually developing so badly." Lin Bai muttered softly.

It made sense thinking about it. There was no need to mention the cruelty of the high martial arts world.

Ordinary people could not resist the Origin Beasts and subterranean aliens at all, so they naturally suffered heavy casualties.

At a time when their living environment was facing a huge threat, survival was naturally the first choice. Who had the time to think about cultural recreation?

However, as the number of Awakened increased and this group became stronger, humans and ferocious beasts already had the strength to fight.

As a result, people obtained time to catch their breath. Under such circumstances, the need for mental cultural recreation became stronger.

This was an opportunity!

Novels could also be considered a form of cultural recreation. He happened to be a professional and could just resume his old profession here.

Moreover, even though there were many novels in this parallel world, the quality was generally low.

Some novels that did not have good core stories were actually regarded as classics!

Obviously, the cultural recreation industry in this world was very backward. The novel industry was still in its most primitive state on the Internet.

There were no strange categories like fantasy, history, city, supernatural, and Xianxia.

They did not even have the concept of a long novel.

Most of them were short stories worth tens of thousands of words.

Lin Bai could not stand it anymore and felt that it was boring.

These authors seemed to be using their words to pile up some mysterious content. There was not a single theme.

What was even more exaggerated was that one of them had only 20 chapters in total. He had read 15 chapters and had yet to figure out who the protagonist was.

The perspective was too chaotic. He had no idea what the author wanted to write about.

They were all trash!

This way, he only needed to copy the classic novels he had read on Earth and publish them on the website to obtain honor and money!

After accumulating a certain amount of capital, he could seek the protection of experts.

At that time, there would be no worries about survival.

"It seems feasible!"

Lin Bai was eager to try and immediately searched for a suitable novel website on the Internet.

After a simple search, he realized that everyone was not much different.

The entire Internet was in a state of resurgence. Novel websites surged out like bamboo shoots after rain. There was no saying who was stronger.

In a situation where they were not strong, it was the same no matter where they went.

The only selection criteria were the benefits in each website and the rules for writing books.

Lin Bai summarized that more than 90% of websites did not accept novels that involved pornography, gambling, drugs, mafia, politics, and religion after his investigation.

Moreover, they had all adopted the model of sharing the royalties. There was no guarantee or buyout.

This was a test of the number of users at the main station.

Possibility of profit would increase proportionately with the number of readers at the main site.

Lin Bai lost interest immediately.

It was not that he was harsh, but these websites were really not good enough.

Most of the top 10 books on the websites had less than a thousand views a day.

Under such circumstances, it would be useless no matter how well he wrote if his exposure was not guaranteed. There would be no benefits.

This discovery made Lin Bai a little depressed.

He searched aimlessly for a while more and suddenly saw a place called the Myriad World Novel Network.

"So arrogant?"

Lin Bai smiled and looked at the number one book on the sales rankings out of curiosity.

The computer suddenly hung for a few seconds.


Lin Bai raised his eyebrows. This was the first time such a situation had happened.

Could it be that there were too many views and it could not be displayed?

Or was this website indecent and not tabulated?

Lin Bai felt that the latter was more likely.

He clicked on it and took a look at the content of the novel.


It was ordinary and was no different from other places, but the quality was slightly higher.

Then, he looked at the library…

It was a little ridiculous!

There seemed to be many authors posting books. He would see new books in the library every time he refreshed it.

It seemed that this website was not small. No wonder it was so arrogant and had the prefix [Myriad Worlds].

Author's Benefits…




Why is there none!

Lin Bai blinked. This was the first time he had seen an author submit a manuscript on the website and was unable to obtain money.

What a joke!

Publishing out of passion?!

However, he quickly noticed that there was a special notice in the contract terms of the website.

The cash up function could be used on novels published in the Myriad World Novel Network.

He could ask the Intelligent Customer Service about it if he was interested.

Lin Bai clicked on the relevant connection and typed a question in the chat box that jumped out.

Lin Bai: May I ask what exactly is the cash up function of your website?

The other party replied instantly.

Intelligent Customer Service: The author can cash up from the published works. It is related to the popularity experienced from the readers. When the popularity reaches a certain standard, they will directly become the author's remuneration.

Lin Bai: ???

Who would believe this?

Lin Bai would not believe such nonsense even after he had experienced nonsense like transmigration.

This lousy website did not treat the authors as humans.

Pyramid schemes would draw a pancake for people at the very least. But look at you, you can't even be bothered to draw a pancake. You treat people as fools!

Lin Bai rolled his eyes. His mouse was ready to close the webpage.

Just as he was about to close the webpage, he had other thoughts.

This Myriad World Novel Network looked to be quite extensive. Users would definitely be diverted to other places if he managed to destroy it.

That would be beneficial to him.

Just do it!

The corners of Lin Bai's mouth curled into a devilish smile.

Since you deliberately disgust the author, don't blame the author for disgusting you!

Lin Bai knocked his fingers on the table and quickly confirmed the theme of the submission.

Short story! Sexual Content! R18!

The reason why he chose this was naturally because of its restricted content.

Once it was released, it would definitely be banned by the entire Internet. It would definitely implicate the website and make it suffer punishment.

Secondly, it was because writing short stories on such a theme was fast-paced, immersive, and interesting. It was very easy to attract a large number of readers in a short period of time and guarantee that they would read and retain them.

The more people read it, the more influence he would have. The more beneficial the outcome would be to him!

Lin Bai made up his mind and immediately began to write the outline.

This is a necessary process.

He did not have a super memory, so he could not write the works he had seen on Earth word for word.

He could create the book a second time on the basis of the plot framework of the original book at most.

He was just copying the framework.

He believed that it was more than enough to stun everyone in this relatively backward world.

Moreover, he was from a famous university in the Literature Department. His writing skills far exceeded the average standard.

The works written might be able to surpass the master!

Lin Bai spent nearly an hour polishing the final version of the outline. After reading it a few times, he had a clear story process in his mind. Then, he began to write.

How does one write an erotica?

Most new authors liked to describe the shape of the sexual organs in detail, the male lead's actions in exploring the body of the opposite sex, or spend a lot of pen and ink on how to be wanton and lewd when women were in love.

Lin Bai was a veteran author who had been in the online literature industry for many years. He felt that even though writing like this could attract attention, it was very easy to cause reading fatigue if he did not control the length well.

After pondering for a moment, he decided to use the psychological changes of the male and female leads when they experienced various events as the main subject to advance the plot and describe it in detail.

He would first make the characters alive to increase immersion and expectations. Then, he would make them burn with passion at the right time!

The story was the core.

Sexual description was just icing on the cake!