A Magical Website That Has Cash Up Ability

There was no need to write many short stories.

10,000 per story with small paragraphs. Three to four turning points would be enough.

Lin Bai's typing speed was alright. He could write four to five thousand words in an hour.

He would definitely be able to complete this little yellow book after writing for 10 hours without modifying it.

However, this was only theoretical.

Writing required a lot of inspiration.

When his thoughts were blocked, it was very normal for him to not be able to write a hundred words in 10 hours.

Moreover, humans were not machines. They could not do their work seamlessly.

Lin Bai was in good condition today.

By the evening, nearly a third of the manuscript had been completed.

He was satisfied. After eating and drinking his fill, he chose to rest and prepared to continue the next day.

He lived in seclusion for three days just like that.

Lin Bai finally ended the short novel and sent it to the Myriad World Novel Network.

[Ding! Announcement successful!]

Very good, there were no obstacles. As expected of a world where webnovels were in their infancy stage. There was not even a stage where review was necessary.

However, there were many new books released on the Myriad World Novel Network every day. His yellow novel was like a stone sinking into the sea. There was no response at all.

10 minutes later, there were still 0 reads and 0 Added to the Library.


Lin Bai was a little unhappy. Could his debut novel have died without being exposed?

Forget it!

Out of sight, out of mind!

Perhaps there would be feedback over the next two days!

It was early in the morning. Lin Bai turned off his computer again, washed up, and went to bed.

Early in the morning, a pillar saluted the sky.

Lin Bai felt his lower body swell uncomfortably and woke up in a daze.

He lifted the blanket and focused. F*ck!

Why was his Little Brother so majestic!

What provoked it!

He did not have a wet dream last night either!

Lin Bai was stunned for more than half a minute. It was only when a strong wind wrapped in coldness attacked from outside the window until his body could not help but tremble that Lin Bai came back to his senses.

"Is it bigger?"

Lin Bai swallowed and stretched out his palm to estimate…

10 seconds later…

He was completely stunned.

Lin Bai would never have thought that he would become as talented as the male lead of the pornography released last night after just a nap!

Not only was it extremely thick and long, it was also as hard as iron and he could not grasp it fully in one hand!

This change shocked Lin Bai.

If he had a beautiful woman like the female protagonist beside him to test its strength, she would definitely cry out in surprise if he entered with this size…


What was the author's benefit of the Myriad World Novel Network?

Cash up the ability that reached the popularity standard?

Could it be that…

"Is this f*cking true?"

Lin Bai was dumbfounded.

He did not even care about putting on his pants. He hurriedly got up and ran to the computer table. He turned on the computer and opened the author's platform from the Myriad World Novel Network.

"The girl beside the sycamore tree"

Status: Ended

Added to library: 3,142

Reading Count: 75,000

Evaluation: 736

Number of votes on the characteristics of the most popular protagonist: 1,343

Cash up progress: 100%

Hint: The most popular characteristic of the protagonist is—Sexual Ability. Successfully cash upped!


Restricted books were actually not banned!

It even became popular!

"Ah, this…"

Lin Bai was in a dizzy state.

From his understanding of the web novel websites in this world, it was obvious that the Myriad World Novel Network had already crushed its other peers.

This reading volume of 75,000 was unrivaled in the same period works on the entire Internet.

Others were still struggling to break through on the four-figure viewership, but he was already charging at the six-figure viewership?

What was even more terrifying was that this was a new book that had only been released for one night!

If the exposure increased further in a few days, with this level of increase, it would probably not be difficult for the number of views to break through to hundreds of thousands.

There were only 25 chapters of content, but there were actually thousands of people reading them. As expected of… As expected of a world lagging behind in cultural recreation!

This was the first time Lin Bai had experienced the feeling of his new book becoming popular. He could not help but feel a little smug.

At this moment, he also realized that the Myriad World Novel Network was not an easy place.

The ability to cash up was an exaggeration.

This was much stronger than a system!

As long as his work was outstanding enough, all the abilities of his fantasy could become reality!

Lin Bai was instantly filled with motivation. He calmed down and began to seriously understand this magical website.

Half an hour later, Lin Bai had a deeper understanding of the Myriad World Novel Network.

Among them, the most important thing was that the Myriad World Novel Network did not restrict any theme!

As long as you dared to write it, it would dare to publish it!

This rule perfectly released the author's imagination and was no longer limited by the miscellaneous 'forbidden area rules'.

In addition, the website had many author-related functions.

For example, gifts, comments, author sign on levels, and so on.

As the name suggested, gifts could be given by readers who feel that the novel was very good and rewards the author with a red packet.

However, the Myriad World Novel Network was different.

The gifts here were not only money. Any non-living thing that existed in a physical body could be given away.

There was no problem even if they were weapons, cultivation techniques, antiques, and high-tech products.

Of course, if the author's book disgusted the reader, he could also gift feces and blades that were not life-threatening to vent their emotions when the author received more than 50% bad reviews…

As for the comment function, it was related to the cash up progress. The more good reviews there were, the faster the cash up would be.

What was worth mentioning was that the stronger the ability, the more good reviews were needed to cash up. If the most popular ability was 'whatever spoken would become the law', the number of good reviews needed would definitely be an astronomical number. There was a high chance that it would not be achieved.

Under such circumstances, the website would automatically determine that the secondary popularity ability had replaced it to avoid a bug that hindered the cash up progress.

Finally, there was the author's sign on levels.

This was more complicated.

It was a huge system.

From high to low, the level of SABCDEF corresponded to the ability to extract cash up from the novels.

F-Tier was the most ordinary, and S-Tier was the strongest.

In other words, if you were an F-Tier novel author and wrote an S-Tier ability in your book, even if it was the most popular and reached the cash up standard, it could not be cashed out.

That was unless you managed to raise the sign on level to S.

There was only one way to increase the sign on level — Publish novels that reached the threshold of influence.

The website would evaluate the record according to the level of your cash up ability.

According to the rules, one could only advance to an E-Tier Contracted Author after writing two F-Tier novels and three E-Tier novels before advancing to a D-Tier, and so on.

Every work would be rated when the author first cash upped his ability.

If he made cash up but the data was not high enough to reach the rating standard, it would be tragic.

It would have been written for nothing!

This path could be said to be far-fetched if he reached S-tier in the end.

However, it was very worthy of Lin Bai's anticipation and pursuit!

This was because he was surprised to discover that these abilities could actually correspond to the level of martial arts in reality.

Apprentice, Martial Artist, Martial Warrior, Martial Expert, Master, Grandmaster, Martial Arts Grandmaster!

This meant that as long as the novels he wrote were popular enough, he could become a top-notch Awakened one day!