Chapter 277 Wordless Threats

Hogan couldn't even begin to fathom the meaning of Blackbeard's long rant. He wondered how he came to such a conclusion. The information that Hogan had given the pirate leader had been verified to the last degree. Each bit of it was true and Hogan had even warned him that the dark mage was quite capable and could offer some threat to Blackbeard and his men.

So, how come Blackbeard was blaming him for intentionally hiding information?

Dumbfounded, Hogan was unable to speak for a moment. Blackbeard's anger didn't seem to be feigned. He figured that it would be better for him to ask him about the situation first instead of resorting to blame game with Blackbeard.

"I don't know what you are talking about. All the information I gave you was a hundred percent the truth. If you don't tell me what went wrong, I can't possibly give you an explanation, right?"