Chapter 278 Tie Her Up First

Not only could he enjoy himself with a beautiful woman, he could also deal unimaginable damage to Zach; the sworn enemy of the Hunter family at the moment. As an added bonus, he might even be able to return to his father's good graces.

Suddenly paying off Blackbeard didn't seem so unreasonable to Hogan. At the very least, he had given Hogan a lifeline against Zach who would no doubt come for him soon.

Moreover, he realized the extent of the malevolent alliance between the sea dragon and Blackbeard, which forced him to acquiesce to their demands. He wasn't equipped enough to resist such a duo anyway.

Overwhelmed by the potential consequences of resisting, Hogan reluctantly decided to comply with their wicked scheme. In this dire moment, the sea dragon and Blackbeard's devious partnership proved too formidable to challenge directly. He found solace in the fact that he had at least managed to get his hands on Diana in return for the amount he was about to pay.