Shunned and Ridiculed

Tian Mo Ming and the other two middle aged man were standing by the side looking at Tian Yi Hao with pity while thinking hard on how to proceed from here-on. Tian Mo Ming then took out a communication amulet and proceed to report the results.

"Hehe, a tiger father begets a dog son. What an embarrassment!" commented someone from the crowd.

"What a trash! Even the commoners have spirit vessel and yet the son of our high elder don't even have one!" said by someone who is jealous of Tian Yi Hao's family.

"Kick him out of our clan! Our mighty Tian clan cannot afford to raise a useless good-for-nothing! everyone screamed and shouted in unison.

Tian Yi Hao and Ling Rou Rou scowled hard by the comments but pretended to hear nothing. Ling Rou Rou started to get worried and her face started to pale, especially after she has lost so much energy from the child birth.

Tian Yi Hao looked at Tian Mo Ming and asked, "Is the clan kicking my, Tian Yi Hao's son out of the main compound? After what I have done and contribute to the clan?"

"He's just an infant, he can't fend for himself at all. This is too cruel!" shouted Ling Rou Rou after hearing what her husband said.

Tian Mo Ming seemed somewhat absent-minded while communicating with the higher-ups with the communication amulet and totally ignored Tian Yi Hao and Ling Rou Rou.

Tian Yi Hao became upset of the indifference from a normal elder towards a high elder and started exuding pressure of a World Building Realm cultivator. Tian Mo Ming was pressured and his ramrod body started to bend and sweat. He scowled and scrunch his face in pain and shouted, "Stop this Tian Yi Hao! We're here on orders and are just following directives from the patriarch!"

The two middle aged men behind Tian Yi Mao started to bleed from the edge of their mouth and silently retreated further from the scene. The crowd outside was aghast and shocked looking at the domineering might coming from Tian Yi Hao.

A young teen, standing outside the room, surrounded by 3 to 4 followers smirked at the scene and said, "Hehe, this is what you call heaven's punishment! After what Tian Yi Hao has done to my father, this is retribution!"


Not long after the news were reported up, in a room, deep in the clan, there are 5 old men and women sitting around a large table. The door to the room suddenly opened and a middle aged man that looked like he was in the thirties walked in. He does not have any extraordinary aura surrounding him and seemed just like any other mortal, yet the 5 old men and women quickly scrambled up to their feet and slightly bowed while calling out, "Patriarch!"

The patriarch of the Tian noble clan, Tian Li Long nodded and gestured for the others to take a sit. "I have heard about the results of the second son of Yi Hao's. It was unexpected, but there's nothing much we can do. How do all the high elders present in the room think we should proceed from here?" asked the patriarch to the 5 old men and women.

"In my opinion, I think we should expelled the child out from our clan and forbid his name to enter the ancestral registry! The child will not be carrying the Tian name from now on too." said one of the old men with white beard and eyebrow.

A large man, with sharp eyebrow and wrinkled face slammed his hand on the table and shouted, "Screw you! That's my grandson you're talking about you damn old geezer that has one leg in the grave!"

"I agree to expel the child out. But since he is still the son and grandson of two of our high elders, I suggest expelling him out of the main clan to an abandoned mountain fifty miles away with no protection, no resources, only with a maid to take care of him during his childhood and a guard for the road. His name will be recorded in the clan registry but that is all he will get." said one of the other old man.

"Hehe, all you old geezers must have been in seclusion for too long, that you have forgotten about the values of being a human and a clan member. Just because a clan member will not be able to cultivate, we're kicking them out and leave them out on the street? Is this how our Tian noble house acts?!" Tian Yi Ren's grandfather, Tian Yi Meng said with a disappointed face.

"We are able to stay on the top of the food chain in the capital is due to the strength of our clan, and not due to some mercy and moral values. We have an integrity to uphold and an army to lead. You are a high elder yourselves, you should know what the consequences are when the news that a cripple was born from the lineage that has already provided the Tian noble house 2 high elders and still receive preferential treatment due to his lineage. We will lose our reputation! We will lose the trust in our men! The Gong and Li houses will laugh at us!" shouted another old man sitting around the table.

"I don't give a shit on what the others think about my grandson or my son, he is my grandson! I will not allow anyone to kick him out of the clan with nothing to his name. Without the Tian noble's name protecting him, our enemies will take this as an opportunity to kill him!" shouted Tian Yi Meng exasperatedly.

Tian Li Long seemed to be in deep thought for awhile, then he said, "Alright stop talking. I have made my decision regarding this matter. That child will be expelled out from the capital and no resources will be distributed to him. He will be given two maids, as for guards, they are not needed as no one will bother to kill a cripple that has been expelled. As for Tian Yi Hao and his wife, they are not allowed to go along with the child but they may visit him when they have time. This may sound cruel, but our house are being eyed by countless people like vultures circling around. We need to gather all our top level cultivators in the clan as precaution. As a compensation to Tian Yi Hao, his eldest son will get double his resources starting from today. The newborn child will be send to Origin mountain at the outskirt of the capital so Tian Yi Hao and his wife can visit him whenever possible! Origin mountain will also be given to the child as a compensation for him to live out his ordinary live peacefully."

"But patriarch.." exclaimed Tian Yi Meng while springing up from his seat.

"Enough! This is my final decision and it is to be carried out latest by sunrise tomorrow. Disperse!" said Tian Li Long.


Back in the delivery room, Tian Mo Ming stood his ground and grind his teeth while looking at Tian Yi Hao. Suddenly, the communication amulet vibrated. Everyone looked on as Tian Mo Ming received the orders from the communication talisman.

With a respectful look on his face, Tian Mo Ming finished receiving his order and started to pass the order to everyone present, "The patriarch and all the high elders have come to a decision. The child will be expelled out from the capital and send to Origin mountain at the outskirt of the capital. Origin mountain will also be given to the child as compensation. No other resources will be given and no one will be allowed to go with him. Tian Yi Mao will have double the resources from now on as compensation. The child will be given two maids to accompany and stay with him from now on. This order is to be carried out latest by sunrise tomorrow!"

After finishing giving out the order, Tian Mo Ming and the other 2 middle aged men scurried out of the room and leave the place to recuperate. The crowd outside were stunned by the seemingly cruel order for a moment before they started cheering even more loudly.

"Patriarch is fair! There's no place for a trash and cripple in our clan!" said one of the clan members.

"Hmph! Although he is the son of Tian Yi Hao, the high elder, there will still be no special treatment for a cripple like him!" said the teen surrounded by his followers.


Tian Yi Hao was silent while clenching his fist. Ling Rou Rou on the other hand started crying loudly after receiving the order and shouted, "My poor child! Blame your useless mother for bringing you to this dogshit world!"

Tian Yi Hao stormed out of the room a moment later, leaving behind his voice, "I will meet with the patriarch and ask for an explanation. Worse come to worse, we leave the clan!"

Tian Yi Mao looked at his parents and his eyes turned red and moist. Looking at Tian Yi Ren in his arms, he vowed to be strong enough that no one dared to harm or order his family around again. And this is how a legend is born but that is a story for another time.

Tian Yi Mao thought to himself, "I have to be stronger and possess more authority to protect my family, to prevent mummy from crying ever again! I have to be the patriarch in the future and expel all that laugh and enjoy at my family's suffering! I have already integrated with my inborn spirit, the Yang Flame, with it I will rise above these people in the clan!"

Tian Yi Ren just looked around his surrounding with his huge round eyes naively. His eyes turned red, blue, green and multiple other colors in a flash before settling at grey for a moment and disappeared after that. No one noticed that strange changes. After looking around for a moment, Tian Yi Ren started to feel sleepy and fell asleep soon after.


In front of the main hall, Tian Yi Hao was spotted with a glum look on his face. "Tian Yi Hao, high elder, seeks for an audience with the patriarch!" shouted Yi Hao. The doors to the main hall vibrated violently from the shout.

The patriarch, sitting in the main hall sighs hearing the shout.

A moment later, a voice drifted out, "Yi Hao, there's nothing else to talk about. The orders are final!"

"Yi Hao seeks for forgiveness, but if the order are not rescinded, then we will leave the clan!" said Tian Yi Hao looking solemn with clenched fists.

"How dare you!" the voice boomed out from the main hall. The windows and doors around the hall started shaking loudly.

"You are a high elder of the clan, you have your responsibilities to the clan, to all the soldiers in your army and to all your fallen brothers and sisters. Do you want to leave the clan, leaving all of them behind and not caring whether they can survive the next skirmishes and wars?" Tian Li Long said calmly, but the underlying meaning from the words states otherwise.

"Sighs.. Yi Hao, why must you do this? It's not like the clan is abandoning your child. He will still bear the Tian house name. By sending him away, that will prevent him, a mortal that will never be able to cultivate to get caught in the affairs of the cultivators' world. You can protect him, but how long will you be able to do so? He has his own life and path, no matter as a cultivator or as a mortal. I am also powerless in this, the high elders except your father are adamant to send the child away. To uphold the spirits of our soldiers and men, this is the best compromise." Tian Li Long slowly and calmly said to Tian Yi Hao.

Tian Yi Hao stood outside the main hall without saying anything, ruminating what the patriarch said. After awhile, his body shakes a little, and making up his mind, Tian Yi Hao said weakly, "Yi Hao understands."

Moving away from the hall, Tian Yi Hao suddenly said seemingly to no one, "Uncle Long, please accompany your nephew and stay with him to protect him. You may come back to my side when Yi Ren reaches 15 years old."

Right after that, only a swoosh sound can be heard.


The next day, the sky is still dark, but at the gate of the clan, Tian Yi Hao and Ling Rou Rou were already standing there together with a middle aged woman and a young girl around the age of 5. A carriage stood out at the gate. Ling Rou Rou passed Tian Yi Ren to the middle age woman reluctantly and started to weep again.

Tian Yi Hao put his arm on her shoulder and said, "Don't cry. This might actually be better for Ren'er, he does not have a spirit vessel and therefore living as a mortal with a carefree and happy life will do him more good. Away from the scheming and power struggle of the clan, he can grow up happily."

"I have also ordered Uncle Long to go with him, you don't have to worry about him."

Although Tian Yi Hao was saying that to console his wife, his face does not appeared to actually believe what he said himself. He looked at the space behind the carriage for a moment then said, "Uncle Long, I entrust Ren to you. Please help take care of him for me. If you ever need something, let me or Rou'er know."

The man called Uncle Long assented with a grunt but he's nowhere to be seen. "Hold on! Hold on.. Don't leave yet!" shouted Tian Yi Mao while running towards the gate. He stopped and panted while looking sorry.

"I was cultivating and totally lost track of time." Yi Mao smiled wryly and said. He then walked towards Yi Ren, looked at the child lovingly and stroked his head. After that he took a few steps back to the side of Ling Rou Rou and looked on as the middle age woman carrying Yi Ren stepped into the carriage followed by the little girl. The coachman took hold of the rein and started leaving with the carriage. Tian Yi Mao clenched his fist with determination in his eyes, looking at the carriage getting further and further away.