Strange Bald Uncle?

Time flies and passed fleetingly. Tian Yi Ren is already 5 years old this year. He has grown up to be a handsome young boy with white long hair, pointy and sharp nose, bushy white eyebrow and slender and slim build. 5 years ago when Tian Yi Ren, the middle age woman named Aunt Mei and the young lady named Xiao Mei left the capital, they quickly reached Origin Mountain and took residence here at the foot of the mountain in a middle size village.

They built a small hut with three rooms at the back of the village, a distance away from the other villagers. At first the villagers were rather alert and on guard against the three, but as time went on, they started to warm up to the three. Especially after Aunt Mei shared some animals and origin beast she caught with the other villagers.

All the aunties in the village love and also hate Yi Ren very much. This is due to the exquisite and pretty look on Yi Ren and also his temperament. From 1.5 years old onwards, Yi Ren was always seen trying to help around the village with various chores with his clumsy actions that amused the villagers to no end. Although that always end up pretty badly and him getting shouted at. He is also a very naughty child which loves to play pranks on the villagers. When he is not helping around the village or playing prank on someone, Yi Ren loves to spend his time reading books. He is often seen immersed in books for hours, sometimes even forgetting to have his meals.

Although Yi Ren does not have a spirit vessel, he seems to be somewhat different from the others. He starts to pick up languages and talk around 3 months old while starting to walk and run at the age of 1.

Aunt Mei was given a hard time due to Yi Ren's actions. Yi Ren is some sort of an oddball as he picks up knowledge around him instantly. He loves to read, but only deep within Origin mountain beside a waterfall, near the top of the mountain. The waterfall was located in the middle within a vast mountain range. All around it were tall peaks and huge ravines, and endless groups of mountains towered over. Besides that, the mountain is infested with all sorts of origin beasts.

For a normal person without any cultivation, it is neigh impossible to venture this deep into Origin mountain. The mountain was named Origin due to the high number of origin beast found within. Tian Yi Ren was an exception. Although he has no cultivation, especially when kids will only start integrating with spirits after they reach 3 years old, and he was deemed to have no spirit vessel, he is still able to walk around and venture deep into the mountain freely.

Since young, Tian Yi Ren seemed to be loved by nature including animals and origin beast without intelligence. Birds and small beast were often seen hanging around Yi Ren and playing with him. They seemed to understand Yi Ren and were able to communicate with him which surprised Aunt Mei and his parents very much.

Ling Rou Rou and Tian Yi Hao often visit Yi Ren whenever they could to compensate their son for their absence during his childhood. His oldest brother, Yi Mao would always sneaked out of the clan to visit and play with Yi Ren. He has a very strong attachment to his older brother and would always grab and not release his grip when Yi Mao needs to leave. Unfortunately, their visit become more and more rare. That is also the time when Tian Yi Mao was spotted by some sagely figure from the most respected academy in the continent, Dao Seeker Academy. Yi Mao took the person as his master and went to study in the academy, thus no longer having the opportunity to visit Yi Ren anymore.

Yi Ren's mum is found to be pregnant 2 years ago. Yi Ren's father was busy with the clan's responsibilities waging wars and does not have much time to visit. They gave birth to a daughter and since then, Yi Ren has a new younger sister, Tian Yi Ning. His sister, similar with his oldest brother, is found to have astonishing talent and a rare inborn spirit within their spirit vessel. They were heavily favored by the clan. Yi Ren was not jealous of his sister, instead he loves and pampered her a lot.

His sister would always make a fuss to visit Yi Ren at Origin mountain. She is given the nickname the little devil of Tian house and no one can ever win over her. Because of that, she would visit Yi Ren alot and sometimes stay over for months with Yi Ren. The higher ups in the clan was against the idea of letting the little girl visit Yi Ren that often, but there's nothing they can do against her. All they can do is to assigned a few shadows to keep her safe.


Deep within Origin mountain, beside a roaring waterfall, a little boy with a head full of white hair was seen sitting on a rattan chair, deeply engrossed with the book in his hand.

"Spirit integration is the most important step and also the only way to start cultivating, normally when a kid reached the age of 3, their spirit vessel will be fully open and ready to integrate partially with their inborn spirit," mumbled the kid.

The kid is Yi Ren and he was reading about the starting line of cultivation in this continent. Around him, origin beast of all kinds were sprawled on the floor and on his body. A type of spiritual monkey is seen taking a nap on his head.

Yi Ren suddenly slapped the monkey awake and said, "Dong Dong, why do you think that everyone has a spirit vessel and is able to cultivate while I don't even have one?"

The monkey was an origin beast of level 1. In the continent, origin beast is split to 9 levels, with level 4 and above having intelligence. Origin level 1 is equal to cultivator in spirit integration realm.

The monkey was irritated having been woken up abruptly and drummed on Yi Ren's head. "Big brother has already reached soul transformation stage and is attending Dao Seeker Academy while younger sister has also entered the path of cultivation already although she is only 3 years old this year. Both of them are geniuses rarely seen in the millennium and yet here I am, having to stay a mortal all my life. Sighhss..." said Yi Ren while looking at the waterfall in front of him.

Dong Dong, the spiritual monkey laughed at Yi Ren and ran off into the woods. Few minutes later, Dong Dong came back with a rainbow colored fruit in it's arm. Dong Dong looked at Yi Ren then stretched it's arm which is holding the fruit towards Yi Ren.

"Haha, Dong Dong, I'm not hungry but thanks for bringing me something to eat." said Yi Ren while caressing the furs on Dong Dong's head. Yi Ren took a bite of the fruit and stare blankly at the waterfall.


Out of a sudden, a deep and ancient voice sounded in Yi Ren's head, "Yawnnn...Ahh, I am finally awake. Did the old geezer, Library finally found an inheritor? Let me look at the inheritor...Hmm?"

The voice sounded deep, at the same time ethereal and has an ancient feeling to it. It's like the voice passed through eons of era to arrive here. Yi Ren was surprised by the voice and hurriedly look around to find the source of the voice.

"Dong Dong! Dong Dong! Did you hear the voice? Is it you? Did you gained intelligence already?" said Yi Ren.

Dong Dong looked at Yi Ren with a confused look while scratching it's buttocks.

"If it's not you, then where did the sound come from?" Yi Ren said while he kept turning his head to look for the voice around him.

"Stop looking around kid! Im inside you. Hehee." the voice sounded out again. This time, it sounded nearer and louder.

Yi Ren was surprised again while his eyes darted around, "Erm..hello?! Who are you? What do you mean inside me?!"

"Who am I? My name has long been forgotten in the long river of time. I'm now just a guardian spirit tasked to protect the last prestige of Heaven after the fall. Come in boy. It is time for the inheritor to receive his guidance and meet the old geezer."

Yi Ren was surprised at first, but due to him tempering his temperament by reading books all day and with the fact that he has been called a cripple and being expelled out of his clan, he learnt to be carefree and slowly deal with whatever comes his way step by step. His temperament along with his looks make him seemed otherwordly at times.

"Come in where?! How do I even get in? And who is this inheritor you kept talking about?" asked Yi Ren.

"Come into the Land Of Heaven. It is located in your spirit vessel boy. Just focus your thought on your spirit vessel and you will be in. Your confusion will be cleared when you're in. Hehehe..."

Yi Ren's eyebrow was raised and with a tinge of doubt, he said, "Spirit vessel? Hey old man, stop playing around! I don't have a spirit vessel and because of that I can't even cultivate when I am already 5 years old. How do I even focus on something that I dont even have?! Damn you stinky old fellow, playing trick on a little kid like me!"

"Goddammnit, what did you just called me, you stinky, disrespectful kid?! Who told you that you don't have a spirit vessel? Which idiot said that?! Damn that person. You have a spirit vessel and it is also the most precious kind. Just focus on your heart. Just do it and stop asking so much question! Are you a boy or a girl? Asking so many questions..Hmmm"

Yi Ren was still doubtful of what the voice said, but with slight expectation, he started to focus on his heart.