Where is My Son?

"Lil Ren! Time for lunch, can you just put down your books for a moment? What has gotten into you for the past 2 years?!"

"You've always loved reading, but not to this extent right? And where did you even get ahold of that many books anyway? Did your dad secretly send more books over?"

Feeling exasperated, looking at the dashing yet scholarly young man sitting in front of her, Aunt Mei gave up persuading and left the room and leaving some foods on the table.

"Aunt Mei, where is young master? Is he not joining us for lunch again?", quizzed lil Mei as she saw Aunt Mei walking out of the small hut beside the waterfall.

"Hmmph, its so much easier persuading a cow than to persuade your young master to put down his books for a moment," said Aunt Mei while shaking her head.


It has been 2 years since the opening of the library space, as what Yi Ren calls it. Throughout the years, Yi Ren has also managed to find out a few things regarding the space.

The amount of time he's allowed in the space depends on the strength of his soul. The stronger his soul, the longer time he can stay in it. With his current soul strength, he can stay in there up to 2 hours a day. Although he has limited time in the space, he's allowed to materialised the books onto reality.

But reading in the space and reading outside of it makes a huge difference, as the time in the space seems frozen compared to the outside world. No matter how long Yi Ren spends in the space, the time outside does not move and returns to the same point before he enters it.

Yi Ren so dearly wished that he can stay in the space all day, as that will enable him to read and gather up more knowledges without the flow of time washing over him.

But no matter what, the knowledges in those books are so numerous and interesting that even with Yi Ren's crazily weird comprehension level, he only managed to read around 2% of the total books in the Dao Discussion Building.

With the constant tempering of the different worlds of knowledges found in the books, the aura around Yi Ren slowly changes throughout the years.

Gone is his naive and childlike self, now replaced with a calm and scholarly temperament. No matter what happens around him, he seems unfazed and his eyes are glued to the books.

Another major improvement that Yi Ren has experienced is the number of concepts that he has managed to comprehend.

From around 10 concepts comprehended, now Yi Ren has around 2500 concepts under his belt, ranging from the 5 elements, the 7 emotions and desires, worldly concepts, and otherworldly ones. Most of the concepts he comprehended can be found in the collection of books in the space.

Surprisingly or not, he has even managed to comprehend a few concepts that have not been recorded by the previous inheritors of the space, concepts like concept of talking, concept of pranks, concept of shamelessness and more.

With the weird concepts that he has comprehended, Yi Ren realises that everything in the world, every action and every thoughts can be comprehended as a concept. Where does the concept leads one towards, he currently has no idea.

With more and more concepts comprehended, Yi Ren also realised that not only will that help connect and grow his spirit vessel, it can also improve the quality of his spirit vessel.

With that, there comes the question of where does the limit of his spirit vessel lies? Will it reached its limits once he has comprehended 3000 concepts? Or is that just the minimum amount of concepts needed to fully awaken his spirit vessel?

Most likely is that the previous owner of such spirit vessel decided to start their cultivation journey right after comprehending 3000 concepts as the time needed for the 3000 concepts have already taken too much of their time and they have been left behind by their peers.

"Hmm, has no one ever tested the real limit of the origin spirit vessel? What kind of quality will it be able to reach of the host is able to comprehend 5000 concepts, 10000 concepts and more?"

"Where do I stop myself then? Should i start cultivating when i've reached 3000 concepts or should i be the first one to test the real limit of this spirit vessels?"

Yi Ren was ruminating these thoughts while flipping a book titled, "The hidden spirit vessel."

"The idea of going over the existing limit of 3000 sounds kinda interesting tho!"

"Dong Dong, what do you think? Should i immediately start cultivation once I've comprehended 3000 concepts or should comprehend more?"

Dong Dong, the monkey looks at Yi Ren for a moment, then spread out its arm and gave out a rather cute roar towards the sky.

Chuckling, "Yeah, thats what I thought as well, I guess we shall see where the real limit lies then."


With the increasing numbers of concept comprehended by Yi Ren, his whole existence gives out a weird feeling towards anyone who look at him.

Sometimes, while just standing, Yi Ren gives the feeling that he is part of the world, while some other times, he feels so glaringly out of place with his surrounding giving of a chaotic and uneasy feeling.

This is a similar situation to what is seen from the outside of the Dao Discussion Building. With the overflowing Daos and concepts, it affects the surrounding.

In the beginning, Yi Ren was rather annoyed with it, trying to come up with a method to hide such fluctuations. From trying to erase his memory and comprehension of a certain concept to coming up with a method to hide his aura, none of it works at the moment as he does not really understand how it works.

He slowly put that aside, and decided to revisit it later when he managed to read more books regarding that.


"Lil Ren! Stop reading your damn books and come help out already! We have to be fully prepared before the lord and madam, your father and mother arrives!", shouted Aunt Mei at Yi Ren.

Lil Mei is seen busying around sweeping the floor at one moment, setting up the tables at another moment while wiping her sweat.

"You better put down your books now young lad before I make you be unable to hold another books anymore in the future," threaten Aunt Mei while glaring at Yi Ren. As Aunt Mei is the one whole takes care of Yi Ren growing up, she feels like his second mother instead of a servant to him.

"Alright alright Aunt Mei, why the need for all this fuss just because that old man and mum is visiting? Not like they've never been here before anyway," grumbled Yi Ren while rolling his eyes.

"What?! I dare you to say that again young man!"

Looking at how Aunt Mei is almost at the point of explosion, Yi Ren let out a slight chuckle, put down his books and slowly trod over to the kitchen to help.

But no matter how he's being rushed, every step and action Yi Ren takes feel calm and collected. He seems like a veteran in court, unaffected by any event or happening.

Midway through helping, sounds of horse galloping and heavy footsteps sounded coming from a few miles away. Before the horses and men reached the front gate, a burly middle aged man is seen dropping down from the sky with a bang.


Feeling satisfied with himself, the middle age man held his pose with his chin held up high, waiting for his so called son to come over and greet him.

After what seem like 5 minutes have passed, only Aunt Mei and lil Mei are seen bowing and greeting the middle age man, without any sign of his cute son.

Feeling awkward, he intentionally releases his aura and let out a light snort. At that time, a carriage stops in front of the gate, and down came a stunning young lady.

She slowly walks up to the middle age man and slap the back of his head, lightly chiding, "What are you making a fuss here for? I'm here to see my son, not to see you posturing here and scaring my son!"

At this time, Yi Ren slowly walked out of the kitchen with a tray of food in his hand. Glancing at his parents, "Old man, you're here? Take a seat first, there are a few more dishes to serve."

The nonchalant attitude of Yi Ren surprised his parents, whom they have not seen for around 2 years.

"Aunt Mei, did you pickup a new helper recently? He seems calm and stable, just a little rude and arrogant dont you think?"

The middle age man glanced at Yi Ren and commented slightly, while his wife beside him stared at Yi Ren with slightly teary eyes.

"What kind of crap you're babbling on old man? I'm your son. Did you lose your mind from fighting too many wars? Can you stop worrying my mum?"

Yi Ren chided his dad slightly while shaking his head feeling helpless.

"WHAT?! You're saying that you're my son? Stop crapping with this old man. WHERE IS MY CUTE AND LOVELY SON?!"