Not Complicated at all.

While chuckling, Aunt Mei tried to explain to the best of her ability on what has happened to Yi Ren throughout this 2 years. At first, his parents were worried thinking that something has happened to their son due to their neglect or someone is scheming, using their son as a chess piece to plant a heart demon in them.

But the more they heard what Aunt Mei is saying, the more astonished they are. From a regular naive bookworm, their son has turn into a full nerd, staring at books all day.

"Do you love books that much son? Why not go out and play with the kids your age around the village at times? A small kid like you should not be cooped up all the time, that will be bad for your development."

Looking at her son worriedly, Ling Rou Rou tried to persuade his son to play more and act more like a child, unlike now.

Actually, Ling Rou Rou has gotten the wrong idea about Yi Ren. She thought that as Yi Ren gets older, he finally understood the severity of his condition that makes him unable to cultivate and gave up on his life.

Seeing his peers around him, even the kids in the village has started cultivating while he will never be able to completely disheartened him and turned him into someone without confidence and a recluse.

"Dear, why are you not saying anything? We can't allow our son to keep going down on the wrong path! Even if he can't cultivate, he should still be able to enjoy his life. Say something will you, you dumb old man!"

Looking at her silent husband, Ling Rou Rou quickly chided and tried to get him to chime in. Seeing no reaction from him, she silently pinched her husband's waist and gave it a little twist.

"Oouchh! Why are you pinching me?"

Feeling the pain, Tian Yi Mo jumped away but quickly realised that his wife is glaring at him. He quickly scurries nearer and tried to salvage the situation.

"Don't worry dear, I don't know what has happened to Yi Ren, but dont you feel it?"

Tian Yi Mo said to his wife while looking at his son confused.

"See what? What is there to see other than your son has completely gave up on his life! Are you trying to anger me to death now, Tian Yi Mo!"

Still looking at his son with confusion in his eyes, Tian Yi Mo quickly took a walk around his son, trying to confirm what he has been feeling from his son.

"Hmm, it's quite weird. Don't you feel the Dao fluctuations overflowing from Yi Ren's body? I've never felt this from anyone, even the higher level cultivators that I have met before this."

Turning back to her son, Ling Rou Rou looks at Yi Ren closer this time and finally realised the anomaly.

All this time, Yi Ren is just bored and annoyed out of his mind, looking at his parents jumping to conclusion without confronting him.

"Sighs, mum and dad, stop guessing. I did not give up on my life or anything of sort."

As both his parents are staring at him intensely, Yi Ren tried to diffuse the awkward situation and started explaining.

"I am just more curious and interested in reading books, rather than being a muscle brain like the old man here, and also like my peers. Only thinking of cultivating and fighting. What a waste of the world's resources."

While explaining, Yi Ren shakes his head slightly and that makes him look way much older than he originally is.

Yi Ren also explained about his encounter with the space of inheritance and the old ghost from before. But intentionally or unintentionally, he skipped out the existence of the space and the 3 buildings in it. He only brought up the existence of the old ghost and the books that he has presented to him.

"After gifting me with all the books, the old man just disappears into thin air. He has not appear at all since then and I'm not sure whether will he ever appear again. But still, I'm thankful that he has left that huge pile of books for me, it has been an eye opener."

At first, his parents are sceptical about the story. Why would an old man, presumably an expert approached their son and presented such an opportunity?

The expert should have known that Yi Ren is born without a spirit vessel and will not be able to cultivate. When Yi Ren tried to show his parents the book from the space, he found out that although his parents are able to see the book materialised, they are not able to see any words inside of it.

It appears to be an empty book to others. This situation makes it more complicated for Yi Ren to explain.

After a few minutes trying to show that the books are legit, Yi Ren gave up without achieving any success.

"Oh well, thats the summary of what has happened anyway. Don't have to be worried about me, I love my current live and pace, without any interferences and distractions."

"And I have also comprehended tons of concepts from reading, so you can't say that me fully focusing on reading is bad."

Hearing that, his parents was shocked.

"How many concepts did you comprehend son? Is that even possible? Didn't the books back in the clan mentioned that a person can only comprehend a concept that bears similarity to their inborn spirit?"

The situation has become even more confusing for Yi Ren's parents as this is the first time that they have heard someone comprehending more than 5 concepts without cultivation.

"I think I've comprehended around 2500 concepts so far. Seems easy to me tho. And also, did you guys know that there are also many different new and weird types of concept to be comprehended? The more i comprehend, the more interesting it seems."

As Yi Ren was talking about the concepts, his eyes glowed with excitement and he just can't stop talking about it. His image now is completely different from how his parents saw him in the beginning.

Looking at how their son speaks about his knowledge with such excitement, they decided to put away their worries. As long as their son is interested in it, they won't have any objection to it as they still felt slight guilt regarding Yi Ren's inability to cultivate.


After that episode, the whole family of three sat down around a small table, along with Aunt Mei and lil Mei with Yi Ren's insistence and enjoyed their lunch together.

Midway through their lunch, Tian Yi Mo seems like there is something weighing him down. He keeps frowning and only nibble on a few dishes.

"Whats wrong dear? Are you still thinking about the situation of the war with the Gong house? Didn't our side just captured the son of their patriarch recently in the last skirmish between the two armies?"

Ling Rou Rou noticed something is bothering her husband and quickly linked it to the current war happening with the Gong house.

Both the Tian and Gong houses are based in the capital, under the rule of Blue Sky Kingdom. But in actual fact, the 3 main noble houses, along with the Li house and the kingdom are keeping each other in check, with many wars happening between them to rule above each other.

The whole continent is strived with wars between the clans, royalties, sects and alliances. The war is fought for resources and also due to a legend of ascension past down through multiple generations.

According to the legend, if someone manages to rule above all in a continent, the heaven above will bestowed upon the person and anyone related to him a Dao flower of glory. With the flower, they will be able to achieve enlightenment regarding the Dao of Emperor and with it along with a person's already comprehended concept, when merged, will be able to achieve ascension and reach a higher stage of cultivation.

"Hmm? Yeah, the whole situation is quite worrying for our clan. Although we're currently waging war with the Gong clan, we still have to keep an eye out on the Li house and also the royals."

"Although we have captured the next in line for the throne of Gong clan, there's actually nothing much we can do about him."

"We are actually not ready for a full blown war between our two houses, especially with Li house and the royals eyeing us like wolves. But we can't let him go just like that as well. The morals of our men will be affected."

The longer this stalemate of a situation prolongs, the worse the situation of the already tense battlefield becomes. More and more men will fall, emotions will fly high and even a small conflict might turn into the catalyst of a full blown war.

"Is there any plans or decisions from the council?" asked Ling Rou Rou with a frown.

"The council is also having a headache regarding how to solve the current situation now. And recently our spies have caught news that the royals are secretly moving their men and gathering in their encampment."

At first, Yi Ren was just listening on the sideline without a care. The only thing in his mind is to quickly finish his meals and go back to his books.

"Why make it so complicated? Set up a negotiation with the Gong clan regarding the hostage. Choose a public place for the negotiation to happen. And when the Gong clan has their sight on the hostage during the negotiation, arrange for the spies among the royals to barge in and accidentally kills the hostage."

"That way, the war between the two houses will turn into a war between 3 parties. With most of the Gong clan's anger and attention directed at the royals. Kinda sad that the son of Gong clan's patriarch is only 15 years old, but well, just a casualty of war I guess."