Advisor to Barbarians?

With a nonchalant attitude, Yi Ren might have just provided a solution to one of the biggest problem looming over the clan at the moment.

Although it's something that Yi Ren blurted out without much thought, but to his parents and also Aunt Mei, it feels like a bomb has just went off in their minds.

All 3 of them looked at Yi Ren weirdly, asking themselves whether is this something a 7 years old kid can come up with. Disregarding the nonchalant attitude regarding another kid's life from Yi Ren, the ingenuity of the idea seems amazing to someone from a clan that specialises in slaughter. More brawn and less brain.

Shaking his head, Yi Ren looked at the only remaining person that seems normal and is just focused on eating. Chuckling while stroking lil Mei's head, "What are you guys so surprised about? Thats just a simple solution right? The details of how to proceed with the plan still have to be fine tune."

Laughing internally at how silly his parents look at the moment, Yi Ren suddenly thought of a problem. No matter what, Yi Ren is still the son of someone from the Tian clan, their genes are ingrained in his body as well yet after comprehending around 2500 concepts, he still haven't comprehend the slaughter concept that the Tian house is famous for.

While his parents are still lost in their thoughts, Yi Ren thought that this might be a good time for him to get the concept of slaughter under his belt.

With a glint and a slight mischievous light flashing past his eyes, "Actually, I have another plan that might solve the problem while also helping the clan to nurture their next generations."

Hearing that, both of his parents was shaken out of their stupor and exclaimed, "You still have another idea that is better than the previous one?!"

Quickly coming back to their sense, Tian Yi Mo looked at Yi Ren weirdly before asking, "Hold on a moment, how did you even come up with a plan like that? Are you still my son?"

The more Tian Yi Mo thought of it, the scarier it looks to him. Weird thoughts start to float into his mind. Unknowingly, he started to release his pressure of a core formation cultivator directing it towards Yi Ren.

Feeling the suffocating pressure, Yi Ren's heart started beating quickly and sweat profusely. Quickly shouting at his dad to stop him, "What are you doing dad?! Stop it!"

Hearing his son's shout and anxiety, Tian Yi Mo realised what he did and quickly retracted his pressure.

With the pressure gone, Yi Ren's body slumped down and quickly relaxed from the comfort.

"Is it that weird for me to come up with an idea like that? You and mum know that I'm different from the others already when I start talking and walking so much earlier than the other kids."

Rolling his eyes at his dad, Yi Ren still felt a lingering fear. Even with all the books that he has read throughout these 2 years, he is still consider a fresh meat in regards to wordly affairs. And most of the books he read before this focuses more on the systematic comprehension of the concepts.

"Did I reveal too much? Should I have kept my mouth shut before this?"

After the fear is gone, Yi Ren start to reflect on his actions and ruminate on how should he act before others. If even his parents has such an intense reaction, what would others think or do?

"Even if I decide to hold back my tongue in the future, thats not who I am! It's not my fault anyway, it mostly due to them feeling inferior and threaten by the unknown."

As someone with a comprehension level unseen of before, and with a tempered mind from reading, Yi Ren quickly swept away all the uncertainties and doubts in his heart and affirm his conviction.

"I am just going to be who I am. Whatever may come, I shall deal with it accordingly!"


"Dear, I believe there's nothing wrong with Yi Ren. We know that he is born smarter than the others anyway. Maybe this is how the heavens compensate him for taking away his spirit vessel. We should be happy for him, don't you think?"

Looking back at her son, "Son, mum is happy that you're quick on your feet and is trying to share the family burden with your parents, but do keep in mind, not to display it to others. Taller trees attract more attention."

A weird feeling of satisfaction and familiar love starts to gush out from Yi Ren's heart hearing what his mum said, but internally he has his own thoughts.

"My spirit vessel is not taken by heaven, it's there and it's also one of the most unique one. But seriously, why do I have such high level of comprehension anyway? My soul strength is just slightly stronger than my peers. That's weird. This is another direction that I should research later on."


After hearing his wife reassuring him, Tian Yi Mo decided to sweep all his worries away, as long as Yi Ren is still his son.

"Hmm yeah, I was just worried something might have happened to lil Ren. Remember to herd your mum's advice son, don't try to stand out if you can without the power to support yourself. I'm sure you're smart enough to understand this logic."

"So anyway, what's the other plan you had son? Tbh, the first plan itself will already solve our current problem, although it's quite cruel to sacrifice a child for our clan's prosperity. I'm not sure whether the council will be open to that idea. Lets not think about the first plan, our clan has not reached so low to use a child."

After settling his thoughts, Tian Yi Mo became curious about his son's other plan. Just the first plan already gave him so much surprise, although it makes him a little uncomfortable to sacrifice a 15 years old child.

Hearing what his father said, Yi Ren laments internally, "Father is still naive and view the clan with a rosy and colourful glasses on. I'm 100% confident that the council will jump at the plan."

If the council is able to kick a newborn child out of the clan under the lineage of 2 high elders just because he can't cultivate, what more killing a child that belongs to their enemy.

"I'm sure the council will adopt the plan without a second thought dad. Anyway, the 2nd plan consists of a few steps."

"The first step is to set up a negotiation field between our 2 houses."

"Secondly, we can ask our spies in the royal house to create slight chaos near the important areas guarded strictly by the royal guards and also bring to light the news from our spies regarding the royal house after."

"Then we can propose to shift the momentum of the war from the older generations to a competition between the younger generations. From tournaments to war trials with a city as the battlefield. Whoever can subdue or kill the other army will be able to occupy the city."

"With the royal house's plan exposed, I'm sure the royals will bring forward whatever plan they have. And when they catch wind of the competition, they will try to insert their younger generations as well."

Listening to his son talk about such detailed plan with ease, Tian Yi Mo felt a slight chill in his heart and felt relieved that Yi Ren is his son and not the enemy.

While Ling Rou Rou just looked at her son with complete adoration and love. Feeling proud of her son. As a mum, she does not care much about the plan Yi Ren is talking about, instead she just focuses on her smart and cute child.

Tian Yi Mo then questions his son regarding the reason why the royals would insert themselves in the competition instead of waiting on the sidelines and pick up the leftovers after the fight between the two houses.

"Well, with the few previous steps done properly, the royals will start to have doubts and uncertainties regarding all their current plans. They might question the legitimacy of the war between our two houses and afraid that we might reach a truce between our houses for the time being to focus on the royals. Or they might think that the competition between the younger generation is just a scheme targeted at the royals."

"Whichever it is, they will feel uneasy letting our plans go on unhindered. Besides, this might be a good time to train the younger generations anyway. I'm sure the Li house will try to insert themselves as well. The more the merrier!"

Yi Ren finishes with a loud laugh, feeling excited at the thought of his little experiment. There's one thing that Yi Ren did not mention to his parents, which is that he's sure there will be tons of casualties between all the parties.

It might even reached a level where all the talented younger generation in one of the houses might get wiped out.


After that, with his dad asking him more detailed questions and him answering, Yi Ren starts to feel a little tired and annoyed.

"Come on dad, all of your questions are rather simple no? I'm sure the council will have their own considerations if they decided to use this plan."

"Mum, maybe you should lock dad at home and force him to read some books instead of going out to fight everyday."

Listening to the banter between her husband and child, Ling Rou Rou just smile at their antics, hoping that such good and peaceful times will last forever.


When the sun starts to set, his parents decided to rush back to the clan. Tian Yi Mo felt anxious and wanted to report the plans to the council as soon as possible.

"Remember dad, do not mentioned my name when you report this to the council. Just say that either older bro or younger sis is the one who came up with the idea, as they're both geniuses. Don't disrupt my peaceful life will you?"

Yi Ren shouted at his parents while waving his hand at them in front of the gate.

10 miles away from the village, Tian Yi Mo suddenly said to seemingly no one, "Uncle Long, can you please keep an eye out on Yi Ren? Do investigate what has happened to my son as well. It's quite weird that Yi Ren has such scary high wisdom and cunningness at his age."