Yoga pants

[Your Da Vinci thought it was fun that the yellow light would disappear when it passed through and wondered if there were similar symbols]

[Your Da Vinci continued to search for such yellow symbols downstairs, hopping happily, feeling that today was a pleasant day]


Did this silly frog get addicted to this? While you're having fun, you're causing me trouble, little frog.

At this moment, Ming missed Da Vinci so much, hoping he would come home for dinner and stop wandering around. If it kept wandering, its master might be in trouble.

[Your Da Vinci arrived at the 18th-floor fire escape but didn't see the exclamation mark symbol. It went to the 18th-floor elevator lobby, where there was nothing, not even a shadow of a zombie. However, all the doors were open, so it decided to visit each room]

[Ten minutes later, your Da Vinci returned to the fire escape somewhat disappointed. After searching, it didn't see the yellow exclamation mark, and decided to check the 17th floor, thinking that fun things couldn't be everywhere]

[After making up its mind, your Da Vinci quickly arrived at the 17th floor, finding nothing in the stairwell, and decided to search room by room]

[In the first room, there was blood on the floor, which Da Vinci chose to ignore. In the master bedroom, it saw a zombie lying on the ground with a big gash on its head, so it calmly left the room]

[Your Da Vinci left the first room and entered the second. In the living room, it saw two zombie corpses, both with their heads split open and blood coagulated. Still, it didn't find the yellow symbol]

[Ten minutes later, your traveling frog felt disappointed again. It hopped out of the fire escape but had no intention of going home]


Ah, where did this silly frog come from? It's clearly a stupid frog that won't stop until its master is dead.

[Your Da Vinci heard messy footsteps at the 16th-floor fire escape entrance, which piqued its interest. Maybe it was some more idiotic zombies. It moved to the edge of the stairs and looked down]

[Through the faint light, it saw two people wearing masks and hats. One person held an ax with both hands, and the other carried a long knife. They ran frantically into the 16th floor, followed by a gray figure with a long tail entering the 16th floor as well]

[Your Da Vinci also heard howling and roaring from other floors, accompanied by various strange sounds, creating chaos]

"Survivors?" Ming stood up from the sofa, staring at Da Vinci's information. From the description of the information just sent back, these two people were on the run, followed by a gray figure.

A long tail? What is that thing?

At this moment, the entire building seemed to boil like a hot pot, filled with roaring, howling, yelling, and sobbing sounds. Someone yelled for help, and the next moment, the shouts stopped abruptly. Some people cried and jumped off the building, while others lit gas cylinders.

As night fell, the zombies became agitated again, but Ming's area was still relatively peaceful. Before nightfall, the zombies upstairs and downstairs were killed, providing temporary peace, but there was still an elite zombie on the upper floor.

[Your Da Vinci tilted its head as if in thought, contemplating whether to go downstairs to check. It was curious about the long tail it saw earlier. Moved by its curiosity, it decided to go downstairs]


Ming felt goosebumps, thinking, "You silly frog, just forget about it. One moment you have a compassionate heart, the next a playful heart, and now a curious heart. This way, you'll play yourself to death and me too."

[Your Da Vinci prepared to continue downward but suddenly felt tired and wanted to go home. Maybe next time it could come back and find more fun]

(The travel range limitation was triggered, so it felt tiring)

[Your Da Vinci turned around and hopped back home]

[Your Da Vinci finally went through the 20th-floor fire escape, dragging its exhausted body and feeling its energy running low]

[Your Da Vinci squeezed through the door crack, depleting its energy]

[Your Da Vinci felt weak and stuck in the door crack, unable to move]

[Your Da Vinci, stuck in the crack, stared at you sitting on the sofa, thinking you could come and help]

[Your Da Vinci watched you walk over, gripping its head and pulling it out. I thought you were a bit rough, wondering if treating it gently wasn't an option.]

[It thought there was no deep hatred between the two of you]

[Your Da Vinci felt you petting its head, and its body shuddered with pleasure. It was hungry and wanted to eat and sleep]

[Your traveling frog returned from its journey, and the items in its backpack were automatically transferred to your warehouse]

[Your traveling frog hopped 321 times today, gaining 321 travel experience points]

[The random hidden tasks your traveling frog picked up were automatically transferred to your name]

"This little guy~"

Ming picked up Da Vinci and placed it in his left hand, grabbing food with his right hand to feed it.

"Can you be more cautious next time? What if those zombies really eat frog brains? Even if they don't, what if you anger them? Don't do this again."

While feeding it, Ming rubbed its little head, hoping it would understand these important lessons.

[Your Da Vinci tilted its head and blinked at you, wondering if you were being unreasonable with all these demands. After all, he is just a frog that can only croak]


Ming continued to feed Da Vinci. After it was full, he placed it on the sofa to recover its energy. The frog had hopped around a lot today. Fortunately, the travel range limitation was triggered; otherwise, if it encountered another hidden mission, it would be terrible.

However, it could be seen that its travel range was not a straight-line distance of 175 meters but was calculated based on the distance it moved. After thinking about this issue, Ming sat on the sofa with a piece of bread.

While eating, he checked the items in his brain domain warehouse. Today's harvest from Da Vinci was a bit disappointing, with only four items in total. One of them was a bedside table, and he didn't know what was inside it yet, which made him a bit excited.

The other three items were the yoga pants, top, and spatula from the female zombie. He really didn't know what to say about these.

"Let's see what's inside the bedside table first."

Ming took out the white bedside table with three drawers. In the first drawer, he found various face masks; the second drawer contained a bag of cotton soft towels, which were good for wiping after using the restroom. Besides the towels was a box containing...

Ming looked and found it was a box of condoms. Perhaps they could come in handy later.

The third drawer contained a layer of jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. It was too dark to see if they were gold or not, but even if they were, it didn't seem very useful, did it?

Counterfeit apocalypse coins? That was impossible, as apocalypse coins existed in the form of codes, one code for one coin, with no fake coins.

After checking the contents, Ming stored the useful items and put the rest back on the bedside table. He looked again at the brain domain warehouse, where the yoga pants, top, and spatula occupied three spaces. These items were useless and took up space, so he decided to get rid of them.

He took out the yoga pants and felt a silky sensation as soon as he touched them. They were cold and slippery...

[The yoga pants with a scent were just ordinary yoga pants with a bit of smell]


Ming was realizing they were indeed just ordinary yoga pants.

[The short top with a scent might smell like sweat]

[The somewhat bent spatula could still be used for cooking]

As expected, these items were not very useful. Ming threw them aside, focusing on the hidden mission triggered by Da Vinci. He hoped it wouldn't be too difficult.