Fast and short


Ming looked at the hidden mission description and felt that something was wrong. He really thought this kind of mission was just about killing zombies since that's what apocalypse games are all about. But when he read the mission details, he had a sinking feeling in his heart.

If not killing zombies, then what? He continued reading with questions in mind:

[This hidden mission will only provide a few hints, the rest is up to the player to figure out]

[Hidden hint: When you see her silhouette, your blood will boil; when you smell her scent, your blood will boil; when you watch her cook, your blood will boil]

[Please collect three items within 24 hours: yoga pants with her scent; a short top with her scent, and a slightly curved spatula]

[Mission rewards: Experience +200, Apocalypse Gold Coins +200, Bronze Blind Box x1]

[Mission failure penalty: If the mission is not completed within the specified time, your location will be exposed, and zombies and mutated creatures within a 5-kilometer radius will launch a collective attack on you. Please complete the mission as soon as possible. Time remaining: 23 hours and 30 minutes]

[Click the [Submit] button to submit the items]


After reading the mission description, Ming looked up at the yoga pants, short top, and spatula that he had thrown on the bed. He then carefully checked the item names in the mission requirements. He grabbed the yoga pants, still feeling the cool and smooth texture, and looked back at the mission description in disbelief.

Could it be such a coincidence?

[Your Da Vinci opened its eyes and saw you holding the yoga pants, looking a bit intoxicated. It didn't expect you to like them so much]

[Suddenly, it felt that it should bring back more clothes in the future, no matter what kind of pants or clothes they are, as long as you like them, it would be willing to do it]


Ming glanced at Da Vinci, thinking that if it got lucky again this time, he would get it whatever it wanted to eat in the future, even bigger insects.

Submit! Ming chose to submit.

[Please place the mission items]

[Place the yoga pants with her scent]

[Place the short top with her scent]

[Place the slightly curved spatula]


"Submit~" Ming confirmed.

[Ding~ Congratulations on completing the mission, gaining Experience +200, Apocalypse Gold Coins +200, and a Bronze Blind Box]

"Really... completed?! "

Excitedly standing up from the sofa, he was still a bit stunned, never expecting the mission to be completed so easily. What's even more unexpected was that Da Vinci, this silly creature, was so lucky that the items it brought back actually completed the hidden mission.

This was just too awesome!

Buzz~ Ming felt a heat surge throughout his body.

[Ding~ Congratulations on leveling up, your level has increased from LV7 to LV8, gaining +1 in all attributes and 1 free attribute point]

"Leveled up~"

Ming felt quite delighted, not expecting that by completing this mission, he not only got a Bronze Blind Box but also leveled up. It was simply amazing!

Boom~ A loud voice echoed through the heavens and the earth.

[Global Channel Broadcast, player Ming completed the hidden mission in 45 seconds after accepting it, setting a record, and is hereby awarded the title [Fast and Short]]


Ming was quite happy when he heard the mission was completed, but when he heard the title he was given, he couldn't feel happy anymore.

Short and Fast, this was downright insulting! Those who understood would know that he had the shortest time and the fastest completion of the hidden mission, but what would those who didn't understand think?

Somewhere in a mountain forest.

"Who is this Ming? The hidden mission was completed so quickly?" A figure was exploring under a tree. When the apocalypse arrived, he was camping outdoors, waiting to live stream the sunrise in the early morning. He never expected the apocalypse to come, so he just stayed outdoors, feeling quite safe.

Just 3 hours ago, he saw a yellow exclamation mark and casually clicked on it. The mission he received was to pick mushrooms: collect 1,000 wild mushrooms within 24 hours.

If the mission failed, the punishment would be facing a massive wave of zombies attacking. Four hours had passed, and he only had a few mushrooms in his plastic bag. At this rate, he felt like he was done for, so now he was regretting it so much that his intestines were turning green. Damn, why was he so careless?

In an abandoned factory building, a group of young men with tattooed arms gathered around. In the middle of the ground, there stood a yellow exclamation mark.

"Just now that guy completed the hidden mission so quickly, and he was even given a title."

"I wouldn't want that title even if it was given to me for free."

"Stop talking nonsense, that title must have some attribute bonuses. With so many of us, can't we complete such a task?"

"So, who's going to accept it?"

"Damn! A bunch of you are such cowards. Having you guys in our Wild Wolves Gang is a disgrace."

A young man with green hair walked out. He was the boss of the Wild Wolves Gang – Tom.

"Remember, following me is the right choice, you know? Let me show you what courage is."

As Tom finished speaking, he punched the exclamation mark, and a screen-sized light curtain appeared in front of him.

It read:

[Congratulations on accepting the hidden mission. Don't worry, it's not about fighting zombies to the death. That would be much less fun. The mission is simple: as long as you recognize the Arabic numerals from 0-9, you can fully participate in this mission.]

"See, the mission is very simple. Just need to recognize numbers." Tom smugly smoothed his hair.

"Boss is awesome~"

"Boss is so courageous and mighty."

"We will follow Boss to the death."

"Yes, never leaving, never giving up."

"Good~ I appreciate your loyalty. Let's see what's next..."

Tom flipped the page.

[Here are 1,000 Olympic Math competition problems. Please complete the answers within 24 hours and make no mistakes. Mission reward: Experience +500, Doomsday Coins +500, a Silver Blind Box. If the mission is not completed within 24 hours, you will receive the corresponding punishment. Countdown begins: 23:59:58]

"Damn it!"

Tom was going crazy. He dropped out of elementary school to join the underworld, and now he was given a hidden mission to do Olympic Math! And 1,000 Olympic Math problems at that! Were they trying to kill him?

With a click, a time bomb appeared at his feet, and the timer on the bomb started counting down.




Tom wanted to run. Since he couldn't do the problems, he thought he could just escape. However, as soon as he had this idea, a one-meter diameter circle of light formed at his feet. When the light circle hit the ground, the bricks, and stones were crushed into powder. This was a laser circle, and touching it meant certain death!

"Holy crap!" Tom's legs went weak, and he quickly looked around at his gang members, "Who knows how to do these problems? Hurry up and do them with me!"


Everyone backed away and fled in groups of three or five. They were just like Tom, having left elementary school to join the underworld.

Asking them to do the problems together?

Are you crazy?