Spit on his face.

At this moment, Ming felt quite awkward. He had never had a fight in his pajamas before.

The black python in front of him was even bulkier than the one he had just killed. Its head darted into the door and bit at him.


Ming raised his shield, and the python's head hit the shield, making a booming sound.

Da Vinci, who was lying on the sofa, was attracted by the scene in front of him. He watched with wide eyes and showed no fear.

[Your Da Vinci is cheering for you~]

Da Vinci raised his front paw and covered his eyes.

[He is praying for you.]


After blocking the python's attack with his shield, he retaliated with the shield.

Boom! The shield struck the python's head, and Ming's right hand lunged forward with his spear.

[Your Da Vinci is clapping his paws, he thinks your defense and attack are as proficient as a frog diving, he didn't expect you to have such skills.]

The black python ignored the incoming spear and opened its mouth wide to swallow the man in front of it whole. Ming shifted his body to the right to dodge and raised his shield to hit the python's head again.

The second shield attack.

One more time, he could trigger the shield strike effect.

[Your Da Vinci thinks that this big worm is a fool, why does it only have one way to attack?]

[He thinks that he, a frog, knows many unique skills, such as frog tongue strike, frog pounce, and in the worst case, frog escape.]


Ming easily dodged the python's head-on attack, his gaze sweeping over Da Vinci who was squatting there earnestly.

Bang! The third shield attack.

Ding~ Trigger heavy strike effect, the next attack will cause dizziness.

Ming raised his shield and struck the black python's head!


The black python instantly lay on the ground, its eyes hazy.


Ming raised his spear and aimed it at the snake's eye.

Puff~ The spearhead plunged into the snake's eye.

[Your Da Vinci is jumping high and cheering. He wonders if you learned this move from his ancestors. After all, a long time ago, he had an ancestor whose unique skill was to stab the opponent's eye.]

[He always thought it was lost, but he didn't expect you to have stolen the skill.]


Ming ignored the seriously bragging frog kid, instead raising his shield to hit the python's head.


The python regained consciousness, the pain in its eye causing it to hurriedly retract its body. The snake's head swung wildly in an attempt to lessen the pain.

Ming seized this opportunity to quickly dress in his other equipment. As his attributes were stacked, his body was filled with explosive power.

At this moment, he held his shield in his left hand in front of his chest, his right hand holding the long spear on top of the shield. He squatted in the best position to exert force, preparing for a battle with the black python…

Croak~ Croak Croak~

Croak~ Croak Croak~

[Your Da Vinci thinks you look just like an ancient warrior from TV. He is thinking that in ancient times, they attacked to the beat of a drum, so today, he, Da Vinci, will cheer you on with frog croaks.]

[Your Da Vinci tells you to charge forward amid these mighty frog calls. The final victor must be you. Go for it, warrior!]

Croak~ Croak Croak~

Croak~ Croak Croak~



Are you sure this is cheering?

"Let's go!"

Ming raised his shield and prepared to charge.

The next second he stopped, because he saw the black python's neck in front of him suddenly raise a ring of flesh, standing and trembling, making a sound like a rattlesnake.

Whizz... Whizz...

[Your Da Vinci thinks that the snake looks a bit badass in its current state~]

[Your Da Vinci has decided not to cheer for you anymore. Being too arrogant is not very good.]


Ming almost burst out laughing.

The black python in front of him had suddenly 'transformed', and it indeed seemed a bit formidable. Could it have other attack modes?

Hiss~ Tui~

The python trembled its flesh and spat out a thick green liquid. The liquid came rushing at him like a pillar.


Ming raised his shield to block it, and the liquid hit the shield and splattered around, starting to corrode the objects it splashed on.

— Shield is being corroded, durability -1.

Corrosive venom?

[Your Da Vinci has jumped and crawled under the bed in shock. It is appalled by the python's lack of shame. It spitting everywhere. It's truly disgusting.]

[Your Da Vinci decided to continue supporting you from under the bed. It warns you to be careful of the opponent's green saliva.]

Hiss~ Tui~

The black python continued to spew venom, like a venom-spraying machine.

Ming raised his shield and squatted down, hiding his entire body behind the shield. The splashed venom started corroding the objects in the room, causing them to smoke and the odor became increasingly pungent.

He couldn't keep this up. The venom was corroding the durability of the shield. The shield, which originally had 100 durability, was now down to 60. If this kept up, the shield would be completely destroyed.

He had to risk it!

Ming switched out his long spear for a strong crossbow and initiated a charged arrow with one hand.




Charge complete!

The moment Ming quickly withdrew the shield, a burst of venom sprayed onto his foot. The novice combat boots with only 1 point of durability exploded on impact.


The venom made direct contact with the top of his foot. The burning sensation spread throughout his body like a fire.


At the same time, Ming pulled the trigger and fired the charged arrow. The black python was massive, its entire body stuck in the doorway, it would be difficult to miss.


The charged arrow hit the black python directly. Just as it was about to charge forward, it was immobilized on the spot.

Ming put away the crossbow, pulled over the long spear, and barefoot, he tolerated the burning pain from the corrosive venom on the ground. He took three steps as one, leaped up, and smashed the shield onto the raised python's head.

The python, standing tall, fell to the ground with a thud.


Ming's spear hit the top of the python's head.

Unfortunately, the long spear didn't pierce the scales on the top of the python's head.

This head was just too hard.

He couldn't waste time. The immobilizing effect lasted only a moment. With this in mind, Ming climbed onto the python's neck and smashed its head with the shield with both hands.

Bang bang bang!

Triggered the shield's heavy strike effect, durability -4.

Bang bang bang!

Triggered the shield's heavy strike effect, durability -4.

The python just woke up and was knocked out again by the triggered heavy hit.

Bang bang bang!

Triggered the shield's heavy strike effect, durability -4.

Ming had already equipped all his gear, his attributes had soared, and his attack power and speed had increased even more.

Every time the python was stunned for 0.5 seconds and just woke up, it was hit by him four times and stunned again.

It was no problem to hit four times in 0.5 seconds, he didn't believe he couldn't break the python's brain!

Bang bang bang!

Triggered the shield's heavy strike effect, durability -4.

He was now worried about his shield. Every time the heavy hit effect was triggered, he had to hit four times in a row, consuming 4 durabilities for each combo. Just now, the shield only had 60 durability.

This time it dropped 4 points at a time, he was genuinely worried.

Such a good shield, it wouldn't just explode like this, would it? The main issue was that other weapons couldn't break the defense, which was quite awkward.

[Your Da Vinci is anxious, it thinks if you can't beat this big bug, why not bite it with your mouth!]

[Your Da Vinci is thinking about whether or not to come out and help you, but considering that it only knows the frog tongue strike, which is essentially a lick... it thinks it would be better not to make a mess...]

[Your Da Vinci has given up the idea of assisting you]


Bang bang bang!

Triggered shield strike effect, durability -4, remaining durability 20.


Triggered shield strike effect, durability -4, remaining durability 12.


Triggered shield strike effect, durability -4, remaining durability 4.


Ming was shocked, he still hadn't heard the kill sound, and if he did one more combo, his shield would explode!

"I can't believe it..."

He stood up, holding the shield with both hands, furiously smashing it toward the python's head!


Shield durability -1, remaining 3.

"I'm gonna beat you to death!!"

Ming's eyes were red with rage!

Once again, he lifted the shield over his head, gathering all his strength to smash it down!


Shield durability -1, remaining 2.


[Ding~ Killed the elite mutant creature, Mutant Black Python, personal achievement progress for killing elite mutant creatures 4/5]

[Ding~ Experience +50, golden Coins +60]

Ding~ Triggered Da Vinci's[Unexpected Joy], loot drop rate increased by 500%.