Landlord's room


Ming let out a long breath, moving his somewhat tired body to rest on the sofa. He had already exhausted a lot of energy after killing the first elite mutant black python.

Before he had time to rest and recover, another one came along. Fighting with elites consumed a lot of energy, it seemed that he still needed to hurry up and level up. As he thought about it, he took out a normal durability repair scroll and used it on the shield.

Just now, the shield's durability was only left with 2 points. It would be such a pity if such a good attribute shield was destroyed. With a flash of white light, the shield's durability was restored to 100 points.

At this time, Da Vinci crawled out from under the bed, jumped to the front of the black python, stared at it with big eyes for a moment, then turned to look at Ming.

[Your Da Vinci is thinking, such a big bug become a dead bug... The worrying thing is, it's so big, when can it finish eating?]

[It's wondering, if it can't finish eating, it might rot. What a pity~]


Ming heard the thoughts of the froglet.

That's right~ the Black python isn't a zombie, it's just an animal that has undergone mutation, it should be edible, right?

Thinking this, Ming used his storage ability on the black python. Instantly, the black python disappeared on the spot, stored in the brain domain warehouse, only occupying one grid of space.

"How convenient."

This can also be considered a food reserve. After verifying that it's edible, it could improve his meals.

Quack quack~

At this moment, Da Vinci stared at the ground, its eyes wide round.

[Your Da Vinci is surprised, where did the big bug go? How did it disappear out of thin air?]

[Your Da Vinci is staring at you...]


"I really don't know where the big bug went, but we're moving today."

Ming picked up Da Vinci and put it on his shoulder, he looked down to check his foot. Luckily, his physical constitution was high enough, the newbie combat boots had blocked most of the corrosive poison's damage.

His foot was only a bit red, and there was no major problem. After ensuring there wasn't anything wrong, he put on a pair of socks and took out another pair of newbie combat boots from the Brain domain warehouse.

He then selected useful things to put into the brain domain warehouse, picked up Da Vinci's nest, and left the room.

According to the original plan, he wanted to go to a lower floor to find a new shelter. Because of Da Vinci's limited travel distance, if he wanted it to utilize it's traveling talent, he had to consider its range. Coincidentally, the black python came to his home and destroyed it, advancing his plan a bit.

Ming, with his left arm carrying the shield and his right hand holding the heavy crossbow, went downstairs via the fire escape.

Along the way, he also thought about how the black python found its way to his home, considering that he had done his best to erase traces.

Could it be because of those three snake eggs?

While thinking, he came to room 1504 on the 15th floor again and stored the dead black python from before in his brain domain warehouse.

He had already searched all the rooms on this floor, and none of them was suitable as a shelter, mainly because he had a better option.

That was the eighth floor.

Since the entire floor was the landlord's own residence, he had been there once when he signed the rental contract. The decoration was quite luxurious.

Of course, what he valued most was the fire door on the eighth floor, which was custom-made by the landlord from outside, and much more solid than the doors on other floors. It was said to be made of very good steel, specially customized.

Now, he came to the 14th floor, and there were no zombies found in the houses he searched. They might have already become part of the corpse wall on the 16th floor. There was also no food, just a bottle of water.

From the 13th to the 10th floor, no zombies were found, and he successfully found some living supplies, three bottles of cola, two bottles of Sprite, three large barrels of mineral water, and seven or eight small bottles of mineral water, plus some vegetables like carrots.

As for condiments, he took salt and olive oil, and of course vinegar and other spices. Anyway, there was still a lot of space in the brain domain warehouse. He would take as much as he could, who knows when it might be useful in the future.

He also found some medicines, such as cold medicine, diarrhea, migraines, and so on.

Only when he got to the ninth floor did he encounter two zombies, but they were very ordinary ones, which he easily shot through the head.

Finally, he arrived on the eighth floor.

The fire door looked normal, without any signs of being tampered with.

Ming took a glance downstairs, there was no movement of zombies, so he took out the set of keys he found on the landlord's body.

The key to this door was easy to find. The landlord wanted to save on renovation costs, so the tenants' doors were all wooden. The slightly better ones were those wrapped with a thin layer of iron, and the locks were naturally very ordinary, with the keys being flat.

But the lock on the landlord's door was better, the key was cross-shaped, easy to find.


He turned the key and walked in, closing the door gently behind him. By rights, there should be no one at home now, but Ming, who was more cautious in doing things, still knocked on his shield with the barrel of the gun.

Bang! Bang!!

Hee hee~

Hee hee~

Suddenly, the sound of zombies could be heard, and more than one!


Ming was also stunned. The doors and such were all properly closed, how could zombies get in?

Could it be that his landlord and daughter had returned?

At this moment, two young and strong zombies rushed out from the bedroom inside, their upper bodies bare and only wearing underwear. Sure enough, his caution had proven useful. they should be in here to sign a rental contract.


Ming speared through the head of the zombie in the lead with one shot. The other one had just rushed up to him and was knocked back by a swing of his shield.

He conveniently pulled the spear out of the front zombie's head, grasped it in his hand, bent his waist, and forcefully hurled the spear.

The spearhead pierced the head of the still retreating young zombie, and the great force sent it flying back, directly nailing it to the wall, with the end of the spear quivering.

Perfectly dealt with.

There shouldn't be any more contract-signing zombies now.

Hee hee~

At this moment, another sound came from behind.

"Holy crap!"

Ming turned around, shielding his body with his shield, and another young zombie heavily slammed into the shield.


The young zombie looked ferocious, howling at Ming through the shield.

He held it back with his shield, raised his heavy crossbow with his right hand at ease, and pulled the trigger at the zombie's head.


The crossbow arrow shot into the head and came out of the back of the head, bringing with it a stream of red and white fluid.

One set of movements was completed, and three young zombies were put out of their misery.


Ming took a deep breath.

Five minutes later, he threw the three zombie bodies out of the window. After a quick clean-up of the room, he removed the sheets and quilt from the master bedroom bed and replaced them with his own sheets and quilt cover he had brought from home.

After lying down, he sighed, his own things were more comfortable to sleep on.

Da Vinci hopped next to his pillow and lay there quietly. Suddenly, it stuck out its tongue and licked his face.

Eh, it was sticky.