No, it's over already?

Alan sat next to the tent on the rooftop.

Although the long night had passed for more than forty hours, the city was still lit by the bloody moon. Correspondingly, the flames burning in various places in the city could vaguely reveal the surrounding scenery.

He had been on the rooftop for a long time, during which he had killed four or five zombies, one of which was his girlfriend.

Originally planning to hold a wedding after Christmas, who would have thought that his girlfriend would die at his own hands?

The sorrow had faded after the slaughter of the zombies, and now he just wanted to survive. The longer he survived, the more zombies he could kill, which was another way to avenge his girlfriend.

He looked around with a telescope to relieve the unbearable time.

At this moment, his lens stopped, and in the lens, he saw a young man rushing out on the rooftop of a building in the distance.

Alan's hands trembled with excitement.

After such a long time, he finally saw a survivor like himself. In the faint red light, he saw the man neatly dressed from head to toe.

He was holding a shield in his left hand that looked like a medieval knight's style, a long spear in his right hand, and it seemed that there were crossbow arrows hanging around his waist.

He saw the man retreating against the rooftop door as if he was defending something.

At this moment, a tall figure rushed out of the rooftop door, without any cover, holding an axe in his hand - a zombie.

Alan saw the tall zombie jump up on the spot, swinging the axe in the air to create a flash of light, heavily smashing it towards the man holding the shield and long spear.

The man retreated rapidly.

The zombie's giant axe shattered the concrete chimney of the rooftop exhaust port.

"My God!"

"Is that a zombie?"

Alan was startled, his eyes continued to stare at the combatants on the far roof.

He couldn't quite believe that was a zombie.

Since when do zombies use weapons?

And they even leap to attack humans with skills!

What kind of zombie is this?


Ming retreated rapidly, narrowly avoiding Sam's leaping slash.

Raise the crossbow to shoot—causing 80 points of damage.


Sam was hit in the chest with an arrow, immediately striding forward to raise his axe and strike down.


Ming held up his shield to resist the heavy blow and immediately launched the skill "Sweeping the Army" with both hands holding the spear. The tip of the spear swept across, leaving a wound that was deep enough to see the bone on the former's chest.

— causing 180 points of damage.


Ming immediately retreated after succeeding, looking at the opponent's blood bar.

Remaining 25%.


Sam held the fire axe horizontally and roared at the person in front of him. Then his whole body spewed out a burst of crimson light, like a burning blood flame.

[Lord-level zombie Sam triggers his own bloodthirsty state when his health bar is below 25%, tripling his strength and agility for 30 seconds (due to the difficult hidden task reducing by 40%, the bloodthirsty state lasts 18 seconds)]

"Holy cow!"

Originally, he thought that after going to the rooftop, he would run while fighting, but he never expected the opponent to trigger such a perverted state.

It was already hard to deal with before the trigger.

Although Sam's berserk bloodthirst was reduced to last for 18 seconds, his strength and agility were still tripled!

It's really deadly!


With a roar, Sam rushed straight forward with his axe in tow.

There was a five-meter gap between the two, and the axe swept across Ming's waist. 

Ming hastily raised his shield to resist.


With a loud noise, both man and shield were knocked over on the spot.

In the next moment, Sam had already raised his battle axe and rose from the ground, aiming to slash down at Ming's position.

Ming rolled to the left to avoid the hit, counting time in his mouth.

15 seconds.

The axe fell again.

Ming quickly got up and raised his shield to resist.

14 seconds.

The axe swept diagonally, the blade flying past Ming's head.

13 seconds.

Ming rolled backward and got up, his chest grazed by the axe blade, the assault clothing opened a gap, durability -1.

12 seconds.

Sam charged forward, using his axe as a hammer to directly hit Ming's chest. Ming raised his shield with both hands and was knocked flying by the enormous force.

"11 seconds!"

"Now is the time!"

Ming gritted his teeth and activated the Black Scale Boots skill [Fancy Footwork], which tripled his strength and agility for 10 seconds.

In the next moment, his strength and agility increased dramatically.

Originally, he had planned to go up to the roof and wear down Sam before using this skill for a kill.

Unexpectedly, Sam directly activated his Berserk Bloodthirst, and coupled with Ming's own excessive energy consumption, he had to activate it early to counteract it.


Sam's berserk state still had 11 seconds left, while Ming's Fancy Footwork would last for 10 seconds.

Without any errors, they could fully offset each other.

Speed against speed.


The axe swept over again. With his agility tripled, Ming's evasiveness and reaction ability also increased.

He dodged the axe blade and stabbed Sam's abdomen with his spear.

— 80 points of damage dealt

— Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 24%.


Sam became even more frenzied, swinging his axe with both hands, creating gusts of wind with every sweep. Each slash barely grazed Ming's body. This was even with the Fancy Footwork activated. 

At this point, Ming's physical strength had reached its utmost point of fatigue.

He was waiting.

He was waiting for Sam's Berserk Bloodthirst state to disappear.


The axe came down, cutting a deep ravine into the roof.

Ming moved to the right to avoid it. At this point, the shield's durability had dropped to 10, and he dared not use the shield to resist anymore.

At the same time, he took out a durability repair card and used it on the shield.

The shield's durability was restored to 100.


The axe fell from top to bottom.

Because Ming had just repaired his shield, he didn't have time to dodge and could only hold up the shield with both hands.


The mighty axe hit the shield.

— Shield durability -12!


Ming was forced into a crouching position by the enormous pressure.

At the same time, he was shocked.

Under Sam's Berserk Bloodthirst state, his strength tripled, and naturally, his attack was tripled too. Before one swing of the axe reduced the shield's durability by 4, now it was 12.

Luckily, he had just repaired the shield, or else it would have been shattered.


Alan held up his binoculars, staring at the fight on the distant rooftop.

At this moment, his heart was pounding. The zombie was emitting red flames all over its body, obviously faster and stronger than before. And the young man had narrowly avoided several fatal blows.

If it were him, he probably would have been chopped in half by now.

"That is!"

Alan looked at the image in the binoculars, his eyes wide and mouth open in shock!


Ming rolled backward with the force, and as he got up, he saw Sam spread his arms, let out a roar, and then the red flames on his body surged more than three times, spreading to his axe.

It stomped its feet and leaped into the air, raising its mighty axe towards Ming.

[Lord-level Sam in Berserk Bloodthirst state launches a jumping slash, the skill turns into Berserk Bloodthirst Slash! The effective range is 9 meters! Causes 1-second stun in the area (due to the effect of the difficulty reduction by 40%, the effect range is 7.2 meters, and the stun is 0.6 seconds)]

Ming saw that he was less than a meter away from Sam.

How to retreat 6 meters in an instant?

Damn it!