Assassinate Lord Sam.

Ming quickly retreated.

6-meter range.

It was damn hard to stride 6 meters in one step. Even with his agility tripled, it was impossible to instantly stride 6 meters in one step.


Sam landed, and the Berserk Bloodthirst Slash was launched with a loud noise. The entire rooftop shook with it, rubble and dust vibrated into the air, suspended as if time and space had frozen.


Suddenly, Ming felt dizzy and stood frozen in place.

A 0.6-second stun.

It's deadly!


Sam stepped forward, swinging his giant axe downward.


Alan's palm was already sweating as he gripped the binoculars, especially when he saw the zombie wielding an axe land and cause a shock that froze the young man in place, his heart tightened.

"Move! Dodge quickly!"

"Oh no!"

Alan wanted to shout a reminder.

But thinking about his own building, filled with zombies in the corridors, one shout could end his life, so he could only squeeze the words out of his throat.


Through the binoculars, Alan saw the zombie swing the axe toward the young man's head. As the axe fell, the man's head exploded instantly.


Alan quickly closed his eyes, unbear to watch.

His head had been smashed into bits and pieces.

How gruesome!



[Novice Combat Hat's durability reached zero, breaking]

Ming's head throbbed with intense pain, and his consciousness suddenly returned.

The hat broke.

Fortunately, the hat absorbed most of the attack. Although it broke, it saved his life. However, the enormous impact still caused him a throbbing headache.

His physical strength had already exceeded 80, yet it was still like this. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he didn't have the novice combat hat. He might have actually died.


Seeing that Ming wasn't dead, Sam raised his axe to chop again.

Ming quickly threw out a card.


The card exploded, and a dark gray dense mist spouted out.

[Elementary Fog: Except for the user, the vision of other creatures in the fog is obstructed, with a range of 10 meters and a duration of 10 seconds]

Sam swung his axe in the empty air, standing in the fog, turning his head.

At this moment, its state of violent bloodlust had dissipated, and a pair of eyes emitting a faint blue light looked somewhat confusedly at its surroundings.

In front of it, there was only a gray fog and nothing else.

"Sure enough, it can't see!"

At this moment, Ming was standing right in front of it. He took out an elementary stamina recovery potion, drank it, and instantly recovered half of his stamina. The feeling of fatigue instantly disappeared without a trace.

The decisive battle began!

Puff! Puff!

Ming was stabbed out with two consecutive strikes, hitting Sam right in the abdomen.

—Dealt 80 damage

—Dealt 80 damage

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 22%

After being attacked, Sam raised his axe and swung it wildly.

After Ming's stamina recovery, he was in full spirit and easily dodged the attack. While shifting to the left, he struck out with two more stabs.

—Dealt 80 damage

—Dealt 80 damage

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 20%.

Time left for the fog: 7 seconds.


Sam turned around and swung his axe. Because his vision was blocked and all he could see was the gray fog, he could only swing his axe wildly.

Ming had already slid behind Sam, raising his spear for another stab.

Puff! Puff! Puff...

—Dealt 80 damage

—Dealt 80 damage

—Dealt 80 damage

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 17%.

After four consecutive stabs, Ming immediately crouched to avoid the sweeping axe.

"6 seconds!"

Ming slid to the right, silently counting down the time remaining for the fog, while at the same time stabbing out three times.

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 11%.

The axe came slashing diagonally.

"5 seconds."

Ming rolled forward, stood up, and stabbed out with his spear. Again, he slid to the right, using Sam as the center of his circle, attacking in a circular pattern.


Another stab.

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 9%.


Sam became frantic, swinging and slashing his axe in circles with both hands, completely chaotic.

"4 seconds!"

Ming held his spear, stabbing out three consecutive times.

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 6%.


The axe came straight for his face. Ming quickly raised his shield.


Ming was sent flying out of the fog.


"What's with that cloud of fog?"

"That guy!"

"He's... he's not dead!"

"He's actually alive!"

Alan was looking through his binoculars, excitedly slapping the railing of the rooftop. He saw the man land after being thrown back, raising a crossbow while crouching on the ground.

He was so excited that he grabbed the railing. At this moment, he felt as if he was in the thick of it!

"That's... a skill!"

In his binoculars, Alan saw the crossbow the man was holding and started to emit a bright blue light, which grew brighter and more dazzling.

Then, the fog suddenly disappeared. The zombie holding the axe stood facing the man with the crossbow.

"Go for it! Take it down! Come on!"

Alan gripped his binoculars tightly, staring anxiously at the distant rooftop. The palm of his hand gripping the railing was soaked with sweat.


The moment the fog dissipated, Sam sprung up from the ground, swinging his fire axe towards the man in front of him.


Ming aimed at the Lord-level zombie Sam who was still in mid-air, pulling the trigger.

A blue bolt shot out, striking Sam squarely in the chest.


Sam, still holding up his axe, froze and fell to the ground.

Ming took a step forward, raising his spear and repeatedly stabbing it toward its chest.

Thud! Thud!...

—80 damage dealt.

—80 damage dealt.

—80 damage dealt.

—80 damage dealt.

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar is at 2%.

The skill effect wore off.


Sam leaped up, swinging his axe in a diagonal slash.

At the same time, Ming also swept his spear!

[Sweeping Thousand Army]


The edge of the axe brushed past the tip of his nose.

The tip of the spear slashed across Sam's neck.

—Sweeping Thousand Army dealt 180 damage.

—Lord-level zombie Sam's health bar at 0%


[Ding~ Killed Lord-level Zombie BOSS, Experience +500, Coins +502]

[Ding~ Completed Difficult Hidden Task, Reward Experience 1000, Reward Apocalypse Coins 1000, One Silver Apocalypse Lucky Box]

[Ding~ Killed Lord-level Zombie BOSS Sam, Personal Lord Killing Achievement Completed 1/1, Reward 1000 Experience, Reward 1000 Coins, Reward One Golden Chest]

Ding~ Level raised to 9.

Ding~ Level raised to 10.

Ding~ Level raised to 11.

Ding~ Level raised to 12.

Ding~ Level raised to 13.

[Ding~ Da Vinci's Unexpected Joy, Drop Rate Increased to 1000%]


Several light columns were brightly lit up around the body of the Lord-level zombie Sam.


"That's… That's!"

Alan held the telescope, his lips trembling with excitement.

Through the telescope, he saw an orange light column rising up, connecting with the sky!

That light column must be several meters high at least, and besides, next to it, there were several other white, green, and blue light columns.



Alan raised his arm and gave a thumbs-up towards the distant rooftop with the telescope in hand. Killing such a tough zombie single-handedly was too powerful.

"I wonder if he can see me waving."

Alan held the telescope with his left hand and waved a piece of clothing with his right.

But after that person got up and collected the cards in the light columns, he went straight into the rooftop door and left, without seeing him waving at all.

"Well~ he probably didn't see me."

Alan put down the piece of clothing in his hand somewhat disappointedly, feeling an inexplicable emptiness in his heart. 

If he could fight alongside this person, they could probably hunt even more zombies together.


Ming returned to the stairs and went down all the way back to the eighth floor, entered his room, and closed the door.

He slumped into the sofa, his body soft. His energy was completely drained from the single combat with the Lord-level zombie and his body hurt badly.

Although his hat and clothes absorbed the fatal damage, they still left hidden injuries.

Now the pain was finally setting in.

But when he took out the card that burst out from the orange light column, all the pain seemed to have disappeared.

It was... quite miraculous.