Master of Night Time Management

When Ming woke up, eight hours had passed, and Da Vinci was lying on his face.

Yes, this guy never changed his way of sleeping on his face.

Could it be that this flawless, smooth face was so attractive to frogs?

Ming grabbed Da Vinci with one hand and gently placed it on the pillow before getting out of bed, stretching, and feeling the fatigue dissipate from his body.

His head was still a bit foggy, his chest felt stuffy, and there was a slight pain in his waist.

As expected, soloing a Lord-level mutant creature wasn't so simple.


Ming opened a pack of instant noodles and took out a cucumber. He also took out a can of luncheon meat and a head of garlic.

This meal was indeed a bit grim.

Mainly because there was no electricity and the gas had been cut off.

He could only chew on dry rations.

After a while, having eaten and drunk his fill, Ming looked at his personal achievement task.

The personal achievement task of killing 50 zombies was only one short of completion.

The personal achievement of killing 5 elites was also one short.

Having soloed a Lord-level creature, the elites weren't on the same level anymore.

Ming looked at the time. There were nearly 16 hours left in the first chapter, so there was plenty of time.

After getting dressed, he gave Da Vinci a rub and left the room.

First, he went down to the 7th floor. After opening the fire escape, he held up his shield and long spear and knocked on the fire door.

Soon, two zombies ran out, and he accurately angled his spear to pierce through both of them.

The completion of the individual achievement of killing 50 ordinary zombies brought him an experience and a gold reward of 100 each.

After dealing with that, he searched each room individually and didn't encounter any obstacles.

The 6th, 5th, 4th, and 2nd floors were processed in the same way. He dealt with seven or eight zombies without meeting any resistance.

From this, it can be seen that he was the only survivor left in this building.

In the blink of an eye, he had descended to the 1st floor.

The first floor was the entrance hall.

Standing in the lobby, Ming looked outside through the glass. There were two zombies in the greenway ahead, a zombie wandering in the fitness area, three zombies swaying under a big tree, and no other zombies.

He removed the chain lock on the entrance hall door on the first floor, held it in his hand, and swung it outside the entrance hall.


In the quiet night, the sound of the metal chain was exceptionally crisp and pleasant.

The zombies, as if hearing the call for food, roared and rushed toward the sound.

Ming held his shield in front of him with his left hand and set his spear on top of the shield with his right hand.

The first zombie rushed over, and he raised his spear in preparation to thrust.


The zombie slipped and fell face-first into the ground.

Ming stepped forward, stepped on the zombie's head, and stabbed it through with a single thrust. He then withdrew his spear and set it on the shield again.

The other zombie leaped up on the spot and charged forward, ramming into the spear's tip.


Ming was taken aback.

Good heavens, were the zombies now so self-aware?

Did they all know that they were bound to die again, so they just decided to commit suicide?

Fortunately, what reassured him was that the remaining zombies still wanted to struggle. However, as common zombies, they simply had no chance to resist in front of his spear.

Thud! Thud!

One stab, one zombie down.

These common zombies were easy to deal with. he didn't require much thought or physical effort, just a simple stab and it was done.

Several zombies were killed in an instant, and Ming locked the entrance hall door from the outside with an iron chain. Then he went to the entrance hall of the adjacent building on the first floor. The front door was open, and there were patches of dried blood on the floor inside.

The elevator couldn't be used, so he had to take the stairs.

"Oh~ Haha~ Oh~ Hahaha!"


He was just about to go up the fire escape when he heard a burst of heart-wrenching laughter.

Then a man covered in blood came rushing down the stairs, laughing and running out.


What was going on?

He'd never seen anything like this before.

Was the man mad?

At this point, the man had already run out of the lobby, disappearing into the night, with the sound of laughter still echoing in the dark.

Indeed, the man was mad.

Growl~ Hehe~

A group of zombies tumbled down the stairs. When one fell, the second would be tripped, leading to a chain reaction.


Ming raised his spear and stepped forward, stabbing each zombie's head as they rolled to his feet. If two came, he'd stab through both.

Soon, the bodies of the zombies had piled up at his feet. After he finished stabbing the last one, he continued advancing upstairs.

His purpose here was to find an elite to kill. He had already completed four personal kills of elite zombies, and now he was just one short.

As long as he could make the kill, he would complete all his personal achievement tasks and earn a title.

Upon reaching the second floor, he didn't see any zombies. It was likely that all the zombies on this floor had already died within the corpse wall on the first floor.

The third floor was also quiet, with no anomalies, but he still searched it, finding nothing.

On the fourth floor, he walked into the elevator lobby, and a small grey figure ran from beneath his feet, darting directly into room 401.

It was a mouse.

On a night filled with the potential for zombies to jump out, anyone would be startled if a mouse suddenly scurried past their feet.

The mouse had a crafty look. It was probably Little Grey, Da Vinci's good friend.

It was highly possible.

But, it couldn't be that coincidental, could it?

The main thing was that it ran so fast as if something was chasing it from behind.


A meow came from behind.

"So it's being chased by a cat, no wonder."

Ming's lips curled into a slight smile, but the next moment, he froze. First, a cat's head peered out from around the corner, then the body slowly emerged.

He was completely taken aback.

To be honest, he had seen many kittens, each of them quite cute.

But what kind of monster was this cat in front of him, bigger than a golden retriever?

Its eyes were glowing green.

Its mouth and claws were all covered in fresh blood.

There was a big gash in its stomach, with intestines trailing all over the floor.

An elite zombie cat!

"It's like my thoughts materialize."

What Ming was looking for was an elite monster.

Here it came.


The zombie cat pounced straight at Ming's face.


The zombie cat collided with Ming's shield, and Ming took up his crossbow and fired. The arrow hit the cat's head, triggering a knockback effect. The zombie cat was sent flying backward.

Ming followed with a stride, his spear piercing through the cat's abdomen and nailing it to the door panel.

He raised his shield and smashed it down onto the cat's head.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three consecutive hits triggered the shield's heavy blow effect.


The heavy blow from the shield sent the cat into a daze.

Ming pulled out his spear and aimed it into the cat's ear, piercing its brain.

[Ding~ Kill elite zombie cat, gain 50 experience, 51 end-of-day gold coins.]

[Ding~ Completed all personal achievement tasks, gained title: Master of Night Time Management.]

"Finally completed."

Ming wondered what attribute enhancements this title would bring?


[Global Channel Broadcast, congratulations to the survivor Ming, for completing all personal achievements, and receiving the title of (Master of Night Time Management).]