Fragments of a Traveling Frog

The hidden task of White was 'Mushroom Picker', a mission that had already failed.

At this moment, White was holding a one-handed sword, sitting on a rock at the top of the mountain panting. At his feet lay more than a dozen zombies scattered in all directions.

He had been running and escaping from the foot of the mountain, killing zombies that were besieging him along the way. By the time he reached the top of the mountain, his energy was completely depleted.

At this point, dozens of zombies rushed to the top of the mountain again.

He couldn't understand where these zombies came from. It was wilderness, why were there so many zombies?

Hidden missions, really couldn't be taken lightly, they were indeed life-threatening.

White stuck his sword into the ground, ready to give up.

It was too desperate.

He didn't have the strength to kill anymore.

[Global Channel Broadcast, congratulations to Ming for completing all individual killing achievements in the first chapter, and receiving the title of ( Night Time Management Master).]


"Ming has completed all the achievements by himself!"

Hearing the global channel broadcast, White's spirits were lifted. He gripped the one-handed sword in his hand and held it in front of him. This sword was one he had snapped up from the end-of-day auction, it was exactly the one that Ming had put up for auction.

"Ming completed all the achievement tasks alone, isn't he too strong?"

"As a lone wanderer, he really is my idol."

"No, I have to hang on!"

White stood up with his sword, looking at the zombies rushing up again, "I don't believe I can't kill you all today."

[Global Channel Broadcast, congratulations to Ming for completing all individual killing achievements in the first chapter, and receiving the title of (Strongest Night Time Management Master).]

[In celebration, all lone wanderers around the world will receive a 3-hour endurance recovery BUFF, and a triple BUFF for constitution, strength, and agility, lasting for 3 hours.]


The channel broadcast ended.

A beam of white light descended from the sky, bathing White's body like spring rain. He instantly felt his fatigue dissipate, his spirits lifted, and his body was filled with strength again.

"Thank you, Ming!"

White shouted, holding his sword and charging toward the incoming horde of zombies.

At the same time, white light pillars rained down from the night sky in various places around the world. Each lone survivor facing a desperate situation reignited their fighting spirit after being washed by the white light.

Someone shouted loudly: "Thanks, Ming!"

For a moment, thanks resounded everywhere.

Lone fighters around the world were thanking one person.

That was Ming.


"Low key, low key..."

Ming stood in the open space in the residential area. He was quite excited after the global broadcast, but as a low-key person, he felt a bit shy.

He thought that since all his personal achievement tasks had been completed, there was no need to work so hard anymore. He planned to go home and rest, waiting for the second chapter to come.

Unexpectedly, a beam of white light suddenly washed over him. He instantly felt invigorated and had the urge to charge and kill zombies.

"Hold on!"

Ming tried hard to resist the thought. He didn't expect that this global solitary person BUFF would also descend on him.


Andrew Manor.

In the villa lobby.


"He did it alone, alone!"

Andrew stood up directly from the sofa and excitedly said to the people in front of him: "No matter what means, we must contact Ming. We must get him to respond to us! We must strive this Ming, we must strive him!"


Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone had heard the channel broadcast just now, no one questioned Andrew's decision.

And no one doubted the strength of Ming as an individual.



Major General Robert from Special Operations Area Two barged into Simon's office, so excited that he forgot to knock on the door.

"Why are you shouting? I'm not deaf, you know."

Simon replied grumpily.

"General, that kid is the first one to complete all personal achievements, which means he has single-handedly killed a lord-level zombie! And he did it alone, without an organization backing him!"

"I heard it, why are you so excited? You're not the only one who heard the global broadcast."

Simon took a puff from his pipe, "Next time the doomsday trading post opens, you bombard him with messages until he replies, no matter what it takes."

"Yes, sir!"

Robert saluted and exited the room muttering, "Talk about not getting excited, you're more excited than I am."

"Don't mumble, do you think I can't hear you?"


At the headquarters of the Strongest Honor Guild.

"He completed all personal achievements, which includes single-handedly killing a lord-level zombie, right?"

"Yeah~ Especially considering that killing an elite alone is quite hard."

"President, are we still going after this Ming?"

As they said this, everyone's gaze turned to Bret.

As the new leader, Bret was feeling rather uncomfortable. He had originally thought that no matter how powerful the opponent was, it would be easy to deal with him as he was alone.

If they all rushed at him, they could solve the problem, but now, he was feeling hesitant. But as the president of the guild, how could he just change his mind about what he had said?

Bret looked at Jeremy, who was the one who started this issue.

Jeremy shrank back a little when he saw the leader looking at him. To be honest, he was even more upset. He had hoped to use this opportunity to get rid of Ming and wash away his previous humiliation.

Considering the current situation, it seems a bit difficult.

Now it's not yet certain whether the Ming in the global broadcast is the same Ming they knew.

"Well, about that..."

Bret looked at everyone, "We should still seek him out, we just want to confirm if he's the Ming. If he is, inviting him to join our guild would be a good option, or we could follow him, what do you guys think?"


Ming returned to his 8th-floor home, after freshening up, he lay down on the bed to rest.

Now that he had completed all his personal achievements, there was no need for him to wander outside.

Da Vinci was still sleeping soundly.

Ming checked the title of "Strongest Night Time Management Master".

[Strongest Night Time Management Master]


[Strength +10]

[Agility +10]

[Spirit +10]

[Title attributes: At night, your four-dimensional attributes increase by 10%, and increase by 20% under special circumstances.]


"Under special circumstances?"

But, the 10% increase in all attributes during the night was still very good.

Mainly because the attributes of the title can be stacked, which is much stronger than wearing two pairs of trousers.

"Last time the frog came back, I didn't upgrade him."

Ming checked the attribute panel of the traveling frog Da Vinci. After upgrading to level 10 last time, there were still 2 experience points left, plus the 502 experience points returned from this trip.

He can upgrade a few more levels.

[Consuming 110 experience points, the traveling frog Da Vinci upgraded to level 11]

[Trigger normal evolution, travel range increased by 100 meters]

[Consuming 120 experience points, the traveling frog Da Vinci upgraded to level 12]

[Trigger normal evolution, travel range increased by 150 meters]

[Consuming 130 experience points, the traveling frog Da Vinci upgraded to level 13]

[Trigger normal evolution, travel range increased by 35 meters]

"what the***."

When Ming saw the 35 meters, he almost choked on the water he was drinking. It was more than 100 meters before, but suddenly there was a 35, was it teasing him??

But this was much better than before Da Vinci reached level 10 when the normal evolution did not exceed 100 meters.

After the upgrade, there were still 142 travel experience points left, which could be used for another level.

But when Ming saw the froggy's pool, he had the impulse to take a gamble.

99 travel experience points for a draw.


A light spun around in the brain domain pool, and suddenly a flash appeared, and a card floated up.

[Traveling Frog Bullfrog Fragment: Collect ten fragments to summon the traveling frog bullfrog]


Ming took out the card and took a look, and saw the words 'Traveling Frog Bullfrog' written in big characters on it.

In the middle of the card is a gray silhouette of a bullfrog, without any other decorations.

Such a simple feeling.

Thinking that he still needed nine fragments to summon, he directly stored the card in the brain domain warehouse.

According to Da Vinci's progress, it would take a while to summon a new froggy.

[Ding~ The travel CD of the traveling frog Da Vinci has arrived.]

At this time, Da Vinci bounced off the bed and hopped directly toward the door.

Ming followed out of bed, hey, you're quite conscious this time, aren't you even going to eat before you go out to travel and work?

[Your Da Vinci is squatting at the door, waiting for you to open it. The time to meet its friends is coming. It doesn't want to be late. It thinks you should open the door quickly]


Alright, I guess I was imagining things.