Adventures in glass bottles

"Wait a minute, don't rush."

Ming took a look through the peephole, even though this building had been thoroughly cleaned up.

But his cautious and careful personality still made him take a look. After making sure there were no issues, he then opened the door.

As soon as the door opened a crack, Da Vinci couldn't wait to squeeze out.

How anxious are you?

Are you in love or something?

Watching Da Vinci go downstairs, Ming still sat on the sofa waiting.

[Your Da Vinci hopped downstairs and saw that Little Gray was already waiting there. The two good friends hopped in place for a while and were very happy]

[Da Vinci followed Little Gray to the building across the street. Little Gray squeaked at the corpse of a big cat on the ground, describing how fierce the battle was]

[Da Vinci is not interested in this, but Little Gray said it has a treasure. Upon hearing the word 'treasure', Da Vinci became excited and curious]

"Sure enough, that mouse is Little Gray."

Ming smiled knowingly as he looked at the message log. The gray mouse that had slipped under his feet yesterday.

[Da Vinci and Little Gray pass through the green path of the community. When they cross the small garden, they see a white flower, shimmering with a white glow. They are attracted by the beautiful flower and surround it to watch and appreciate]

[Little Gray's eyes are round, and the pupils are filled with a white glow. Da Vinci activates its collection ability. It feels that such a beautiful flower should be taken back so that Ming can give it to his future female zombie daughter-in-law in the future]

"Thank you for thinking so much for me."

Ming curled up the corners of his mouth, wondering in his heart what kind of flower this white one was.

Shimmering with a glow definitely meant that it had undergone a mutation, and the fact that it didn't attack the two little guys showed that it didn't have any aggressive traits.

Hopefully, it's an amazing flower.

Wait a minute, what's this about a future female zombie daughter-in-law?

"Your Da Vinci's thought is quite terrifying."

Making a female zombie as a wife, what's this all about?

[Da Vinci and Little Gray pass through the community fitness area, through the small garden, and encounter several wandering zombies along the way, which ignore them]

[Da Vinci and Little Gray arrive at the corner of the garden and stop in front of a large glass bottle. Little Gray proudly introduces that this is its treasure... Da Vinci slaps it on the head with a paw, dummy, haven't you seen a real treasure?]

[The little mouse crawls into the glass bottle and starts running inside, causing the bottle to roll slightly forward due to the force. The speed is not too fast. Da Vinci, seeing this, suddenly moves to play]

[Da Vinci climbs into the glass bottle, both little animals exert force to push forward, the glass bottle rolls forward, and due to the terrain, it rolls faster and faster]

[The glass bottle rolls forward, the sound attracting the surrounding zombies. A zombie runs over, steps on the glass bottle loses balance, falls over with its four limbs up in the air, and hits the back of its head on the sharp corner of the flower bed's low wall]

"Ding~ Your Da Vinci successfully killed a Level 3 common zombie, experience +3, Doomsday gold coins +2."

"This... this works?"

Alright, Da Vinci causing accidents while out on a trip is actually quite normal.

For example, rescuing those few fish, causing a zombie to slip and die on the wet ground, teaching a half-zombie to hop on the fire escape stair, causing another zombie to fall and die, and now playing with a bottle, causing yet another to die.

To be honest, he's already used to these bizarre situations.

[The sound of the glass bottle rolling on the cement ground attracts more and more zombies to run towards it. The glass bottle, under the chaotic feet of the zombies, is kicked around like a soccer ball, continuing to roll forward with the momentum, making a dripping sound]

[Zombies run and chase following the sound. The glass bottle rolls down the steps of the garden greenway. A zombie accidentally steps on the bottle, falls back in mid-air, hits its head on the right angle of the step, and its brain bursts]

"Ding~ Your Da Vinci accidentally killed a Level 3 common zombie, experience +2, Doomsday gold coins +1."

"Good job!"

Ming thought one accident was enough, he didn't expect another.

[The glass bottle is stepped on, and its speed increases. Da Vinci inside the bottle feels dizzy, while Little Gray curls up inside the bottle trembling]

[The glass bottle rolls down the steps, inertia makes it continue to roll forward, followed by a group of crazed zombies. The louder the sound, the more zombies rush over from various places]

"Ding~ Your Da Vinci accidentally killed a Level 3 common zombie, experience +1, gold coins +1."

[The speed of the bottle rolling accelerates, Little Gray is dizzy, vomiting the walnut kernels it had eaten... vomiting...]


Ming frowns, seeing the image, feeling disgusted.

[Da Vinci remains calm... its frog eyes wide open, undisturbed... Little Gray's eyes stare blankly from being spun around, regretting doing this today]

[Another zombie steps on the bottle and falls down, but this time no zombie accidentally dies... The speed of the bottle slows down, and when it rolls to the center of the small square, it stops. Just as Little Gray is about to crawl out, a zombie runs over, steps on the glass bottle, and falls out, accelerating the bottle again... it rolls towards the artificial pond in front.]


Ming sits on the sofa, not knowing what to say.

These two guys really are like what he imagined. 

[The glass bottle falls into the water, splashing water. The zombies following fall into the water all at once, the huge sound of falling water attracting more zombies. The zombies originally standing by the shore are pushed into the pond by the zombies surging behind them, like dumplings falling into boiling water]

[The glass bottle floats in the water, Little Gray lies at the mouth of the bottle for air. As zombies fall into the water, the waves become more rocking. Da Vinci remains unflustered... At this moment, Little Gray vomits again, Da Vinci gives it a disdainful look]

[Little Gray takes a glance, haven't you ever seen a mouse get seasick?]


The heck, a seasick mouse!

Ming stands up and goes to the window, just in time to see the artificial pond outside, which is very lively now.

Because many zombies fell into the water and are splashing water, the sound attracts several waves of zombies.

Some are in the water, some are standing by the pond.

After a while, when the sound subsides, the whole community becomes quiet again.

[Your Da Vinci senses the bottle taking on water, Little Gray is lying on its back in the bottle floating, apparently quite dizzy. The water flows into the bottle faster and faster, Da Vinci kicks Little Gray in the head with a leg, and Little Gray wakes up]

[The bottle sinks into the water, and Da Vinci and Little Gray both crawl out of the bottle. Da Vinci finds a box at the bottom of the water, and uses its collection ability on the box, successfully collecting it]

[Da Vinci and Little Gray swim to the surface. Because of the water level of the pond, the water surface is full of zombies' heads. The zombies ignore Da Vinci and Little Gray]

[Da Vinci and Little Gray go ashore, shake off the water from their bodies, and look back at the crowded zombies in the pond, feeling that they had a lot of fun this time]

"That was indeed fun."

Ming glances from above at the square and green path, densely packed with zombies.

You two had fun and brought out all the zombies in the community.

[Your Da Vinci feels tired and decides to go home to rest. Little Gray also prepares to go home. The two good friends wave their paws to say goodbye and agree on the time and place for their next meeting]

[Da Vinci hops back to the building and finds that there are still two slots empty in its travel backpack. It feels that it's not good to end the journey like this as a diligent traveling frog]

[It looks up at a zombie passing by in a suit, and uses its collection ability on the suit, successfully collecting it, triggering the (Strip Helper effect)]

[It uses its collection ability again on the zombie's pants, successfully collecting it, triggering the effect]

[Da Vinci looks at its travel backpack, now filled in all four slots, and is very satisfied. Indeed, diligence can make a frog happy]


Ming chuckles.

This is just the reason that you want to go home, and casually strip a suit to bring back.

But it's still pretty good, the clothes triggered by the Strip Helper have attributes, which can be sold for money.

As long as you don't touch any exclamation marks.