Soloman's lighthouse?

[Your traveling frog Da Vinci returns home, hops in front of you, and you pick it up and throw it into the bathtub. It feels that when you bathe it, your hand should be gentler, after all, it's a frog, and its body is soft and brittle...]

Ming bathes Da Vinci as soon as possible. The artificial pond in the community has not been maintained for a long time and has become a stinky water hole.

[Your Da Vinci feels your pat on the head and instantly feels relaxed]

[Your traveling frog Da Vinci's journey has ended, and the items in its travel backpack are automatically transferred to the brain domain warehouse]

[Your traveling frog Da Vinci hopped 413 times on this trip (excluding the distance traveled in the bottle), gaining 413 points of travel experience]

The calculation of this travel experience is too precise. This time, Da Vinci rolled almost half of the community in the bottle, such a long distance, and not a single point of the experience was given.

Indeed, it only calculates steps, not distance.


After bathing Da Vinci, Ming sat on the sofa with it and took out some feed insects to feed it.

After it was full, it lay down and fell asleep on his thigh.

Ming took out a suit to check its properties:

[Exclusive: Suit of Corporate Slavery]





[Exclusive Property: Standard cheap clothing for a corporate slave, when you wear it, you become a qualified corporate slave. When worn with the Pants of Corporate Slavery, it triggers the effect of increased slacking off ability]


Ming grins, it's actually a set.

This exclusive property description seems to make sense, when he was working as a corporate slave, it seems like he did slack off quite a bit.

[Exclusive: Pants of Corporate Slavery]



[Exclusive Property: Standard cheap clothing for a corporate slave, the moment you put it on, you are a corporate slave. When worn with the Suit of Corporate Slavery, it triggers the effect of increased slacking off ability]

"A set... it's complete, it should fetch a good price."

He happily put away the suit.

Indeed, it's a way to make money.

Oh yes, there's also a little white flower.

He checked it in the brain domain warehouse.

[Shining Flower: Mutated from a daisy, upon the petals maturing and withering, fine fibers can be harvested. Maturation period: 10 days]

"Fine fibers?"

"Isn't that a material for making weapons and equipment?"

As soon as Ming retrieved the Shining Flower from the brain domain warehouse, the room lit up.

It's like a small desk lamp, not only can it produce fine fibers, but it can also illuminate.

He looked around, but there wasn't even a flower pot, so he had to store it in the brain domain warehouse for now, and plant it when there's an appropriate place in the future.

According to the instructions, 10 days is a blooming and wilting cycle, but he didn't know about the yield.

In any case, there will be a lot of fine fibers after a year.

Good stuff.

Ming patted Da Vinci's head, the ability of the 10th-level evolution was really great.

At this time, his consciousness fell on the wooden box. This was what Da Vinci had retrieved from the community pond, he didn't know what it was.

He took it out and inspected it:

[Apocalypse Beginner's Treasure Box]

"Treasure box?"

Ming touched his nose and looked at the basic treasure map in the brain domain warehouse.

Sure enough, after using the basic treasure map, it would give coordinates, and according to the coordinates, you could find the Apocalypse Beginner's Treasure Box.

So, this one in front of him... was a freebie.

He felt a little surprised and a bit delighted.

Open it.

Three rays of light shot up.

Two white, one green.

"Is it this powerful?"

Ming immediately took out the cards to inspect:

White card [Fine Fiber: 1 tael]

White card [Fine Fiber: 1 tael]

Green card [Steel Wood: 1 stick]

"So, it's materials!"

It suddenly occurred to him.

[A* Automatic * High Resistance * Single-handed Crossbow Design Module], required these two types of materials.

To combine this orange single-handed crossbow, you would need:

10 catties of fine gold, 1 catty of fine fiber, 10 sticks of steel wood, and 10 catties of spiritual energy ore.

"Still missing a lot."

He put away these materials and thought about the 8 basic treasure maps and 1 intermediate treasure map in his brain domain warehouse. It seemed like he should take the opportunity to dig them up.

As a human being, he couldn't be as lazy as a froglet.

He looked at the countdown timer for the first chapter.


There were still six hours until the end, and he was finally going to see the sun.

Time to take a nap.

Ming took Da Vinci to the master bedroom, lay on the bed, and started to sleep and rest.

Unknowingly, the Doomsday trade fair began.

[There is half an hour left in the first chapter, congratulations to those who can see this message, you are still alive.]

"Please choose your items for purchase as soon as possible."

Ming stretched lazily, rubbing his sleep-filled eyes, before opening the trade fair. He decided to first take a look at the post-apocalyptic store.

Scrolling to the end of the skills section, it was pretty much the same as before - all basic skills. In the weapons and equipment area, most of them were blank, but at the end, he spotted a purple piece of equipment.

[B*Heavy Strike*Brave*Boxing Gloves (500/500)]

[Melee Weapon]

[Physique +20]

[Strength +25]

[Agility +10]

[Spirit +1]

[Epic Attribute: After six consecutive normal attacks, the seventh punch triggers a heavy strike, causing the target to be immobilized for 0.3 seconds]

[Epic Attribute: After triggering immobilization, the Strength attribute increases by 50% for 3 seconds]

[Price: 4000 Apocalypse Gold Coins]

Ming rubbed his hands. This pair of boxing gloves seemed quite nice.

The first epic attribute was great. It was a guaranteed immobilization, not probabilistic, as long as each punch hit its mark.

The second attribute was even stronger. With the guaranteed immobilization, Strength would then surge by 50%, amounting to a double strike.


Ming was a bit tempted, but he didn't feel the need to buy them once he thought about the fact that they were boxing gloves.

His personality simply wasn't suited for melee combat.

Mainly, he was afraid of pain.

After his encounter with the lord-level zombie, Sam, he wanted to engage in melee combat even less.

It was truly painful.

Even now, he could still feel a faint ache in his head and waist.

After looking at the items, he exited the Doomsday store and took a quick glance at the free auction area, noticing that no one was selling any weapons or equipment.

He was about to list the equipment he didn't need but then decided to hold onto them. The second chapter was about to begin, and no one knew what it would entail. It was better to keep some items as a backup.

Just in case, you know.

It was only then that he turned his attention to the chat channel of the free trade area.

Well, well, his name filled the entire screen, each followed by various expressions of gratitude.

**9527: "Thank you, Ming. Do you know how desperate I was over ten hours ago? But when your BUFF descended, I burst into tears. I managed to survive amidst the zombie horde once again."

**123: "Thanks to Ming. Without your BUFF, I might have turned into a zombie. Thank you. If there's anything you need in the future, I'll do my best to help you."

**22: "Thanks to Ming. I was about to give up after dealing with a few zombies. But after receiving your BUFF, I managed to fight them off. Now I'm safe. I wish you get stronger and stronger."

**2: "Thanks to Ming. I won't say much. But if there's anything you need, just call out in the trade channel. I'll give you whatever you need, money or manpower."

***Wolf: "Thanks to Ming. Without you, I would have died. We might not be in the same city, but if you ever need money, let me know. I'll do everything I can to help you."


Seeing the screen filled with gratitude, Ming didn't quite know how to react.

Should he respond?

of course not. 

They were all strangers, maybe they would cross paths in the future.


"General, we can't get our message about recruiting Ming onto the screen. The entire chat is filled with thank-you messages. We can't even get our message to display prominently."

Robert sat on the side, tapping on the armrest of his chair.

"Don't rush. We still have plenty of chances. However, from today, no, it should be from several hours ago, Ming has become a new Ming," Simon said, taking a heavy puff from his pipe.

"A new Ming?"

"Yes! A beacon in the hearts of all the independent players and lone wanderers around the world."


"Indeed. Given the current situation, he might not care about our Andrew family's recruitment at all," Andrew said with a slight hint of disappointment. "He has become a spiritual leader for many, many people."

"Grandfather, what should we do?" Marie asked from the side.

"Let's still aim to become business partners. This way, it's easier to approach him. The word 'recruitment'... let's not embarrass ourselves with it."

Andrew finished speaking, stood up from the sofa, and began to pace. "In the future, we must increase our combat frequency. Survival is important, but if one day we come into contact with the new world and we are the weakest among them, what's the use of living? To become someone else's slave?"


Everyone nodded in agreement.

They knew that their family needed to cultivate a strong player!

A strong player who could withstand opponents from all sides.