Doomsday Ranking

[All-channel broadcast, Apocalypse Trade Line is closing]

[Before the start of the second chapter, to enrich the game content, we will open the world chat channel. The usage is simple: just think of the 'World Chat Channel' in your mind, and the chat window will appear in front of you. You can freely adjust the size and position of the chat window]

[Isn't it user-friendly?]

[In addition to the chat channel, the private chat channel will also be opened. Just click on the other person's name, and the private chat dialog box will appear. Please chat nicely with other players]

[Before the start of the second chapter, let everyone see the sunlight first!]

[Warm tips: If you have been living in the dark for a long time, don't look directly at the sun when you see it for the first time. Take time to adapt]


The all-channel broadcast ends.

The previously dark night suddenly brightens.

Ming stood at the window on the eighth floor, wearing sunglasses, completely unconcerned about the sudden appearance of sunlight. After adapting for a while, he took off his glasses.

The moment the sunlight shone on him, he felt an incredible warmth.

For the first time, he found the sunlight so comforting.

At this moment, the world chat channel was buzzing.

"Wuu~ I finally saw the sun! I finally saw the sun!"

"Brothers and sisters, I am still trapped in the supermarket toilet. Toilet water really doesn't taste good, but hearing you guys, I decided to take another sip to celebrate."

"You can't imagine, I stand in the sun and laugh like a child."

"Awesome! Seeing the sunlight means rebirth!"


Ming glanced at the world chat channel. He actually felt the same way - it was really comfortable with sunlight.

It seems everyone is the same.

[All-channel broadcast, with anticipation for a brighter future, let's summarize the individual achievements of the first chapter]

[Level Leaderboard]

1— ming—LV13

2— Shura***—LV13

3— Jack.AAA.Lorris—LV13

4— Special Combat Zone —LV12

5— Mountain Day Group. Yamata no Orochi—LV12

6— Siberia Kordorodsky—LV11

7— Aryan Brotherhood BFB.Odin—LV11

8— Special Combat Zone Two**—LV10

9— Andrew**—LV10

10— Don't Know What To Call 44—LV10


"Is the last person serious?"

"As expected, ming is ranked first."

"The pride of the solo!"

"But why is Ming ranked first even though they're all level 13?"

"Isn't that obvious? Ming must have a slightly more experience than the other two~ Stupid."


[All-channel broadcast, the first person in the top ten of the above level rankings will receive the title of 'Summiteer']


"Good! I thought everyone would get rewards, but only the first one does. As a solo, I wholeheartedly accept ming receiving the reward."

"It seems that the experience boosts from soloing a Lord-level BOSS is quite significant."

"Damn, the attributes of this 'Summiteer' title are too strong, you guys hurry up and take a look!"

"Wow, it's indeed powerful. If Ming uses it, won't he always be the first?"

"So what if he's always first? Do others deserve it?"


ming looked at the content of the chat channel and became a bit curious.

What kind of attributes would get guys so excited?

He checked the new title:


[Vitality +10]

[Strength +10]

[Agility +10]

[Spirit +10]

[Title Attribute: After receiving the title, killing mutated creatures, completing various tasks, etc., will increase experience by an additional 5%]

"So it's about increasing experience~"

ming equipped the title, felt warmth as the attributes increased, and his body became stronger once again.

Titles are great because they provide permanent and fixed attributes. Whenever there is an opportunity to obtain a new title, it must be seized.

The premise is that he doesn't succumb to laziness at that time.


[All-channel broadcast, next is the announcement of the world wealth ranking]

1— Special Combat Zone Two Finance Office Director—10110 Apocalypse Gold coin

2— AAA Fund Manager—8833 Apocalypse Gold coin

3— Mountain Day Group Gold Financial Team Captain—7201Apocalypse Gold coin

4—  Bear Group—6823 Apocalypse Gold coin

5—Magic Department—6334 Apocalypse Gold coin

6— Apocalypse Guild Accountant—5854 Apocalypse Gold coin

7— KUK.02K001—5021 Apocalypse Gold coin

8— COX.2U.BBK.LUCS—4793 Apocalypse Gold coin

9— Black Dragon Guild—4401 Apocalypse Gold coin

10— Ming—4306 Apocalypse Gold coin


[All-channel broadcast, the first place in the above wealth ranking will receive the title 'Money Makes Money']


"ming is so powerful, why is he ranked tenth in the wealth list?"

"You don't understand this, do you? The level ranking is about individuals, the team kills are averaged for experience, ming killed a lord-level boss alone, of course, he is the first, didn't you see that the top nine of the wealth list are all organizations?"

"True, ming's is personal wealth, and theirs is concentrated on one person from the whole guild, there's no comparison."

"Speaking of personal wealth, ming is definitely the first, those organizations have nothing to do with it."

"Anyway, in the future, everyone will definitely have to join or create organizations, there's strength in numbers~"

"Let ming create one then, I'll be the first to join."

"Give up on that idea, the big boss doesn't need a burden."


"Money Makes Money?"

When Ming saw this title, he felt a strong attraction.

Having tasted the sweetness of stacked title attributes, he now has an impulse whenever he sees a title.

He checked the title Money Makes Money:

[Money Makes Money]

[Vitality +1]

[Strength +1]

[Agility +1]

[Spirit +1]

[Title Attribute: After receiving the title, for every 1000 Apocalypse Gold coin held, an unconditional increase of 1 End of the World Gold is added each day]

"Oh my god, isn't this title too awesome?"

This is simply a win-win title. As long as you have a lot of money, you will get a bonus, and the money will keep increasing.

Really, it's a sure-win situation.

[All-channel broadcast, level rankings, and wealth rankings are updated and settled at 0:00 every day, everyone, please strive to improve yourselves]

"Update the level and wealth every day?"

When Ming saw the broadcast, he was very happy. If he could, he definitely wanted to get the 'Money Makes Money' title.

The attributes aren't important, what's important is the unconditional money addition. This title and he were simply made for each other.

[All-channel broadcast, next is the job change before the start of the second chapter. The characteristics of each job have already appeared in front of each survivor player. Players who have reached level 5 can change jobs according to their own attributes.]

[Players who have not reached level 5, the job change panel will be automatically opened by the system after the level requirement is met.]

[Now, please meet the conditions for players to start choosing a job change. After choosing a job change, you will receive a free random professional talent skill.]

"There's only one free, and it's a random talent skill, what if I get a trash skill?"

"Yeah, I feel like this kind of thing is too pitfall."

"I really want to know what job Ming will choose, I plan to support him in the future."

"You just know the name Ming, but have you ever seen him in person? Where are you going to support someone you've never seen?"

"Let's see what jobs are available for a job change."


Ming looked at the screen in front of him, and a list of jobs appeared.

The first one that caught his eye was 'Mortician'.

Good gracious, under normal circumstances, aren't there usually jobs like warriors, mages, assassins, etc.?

How did a job like a mortician get in?

Are you serious?