Victory way

Ming landed on his hillside, surveyed the surroundings, and found nothing unusual. He patted Da Vinci's head and fed Foodie a fish, marking the end of their journey. With over 8,000 experience points gained, it was evident that the little froggies had had a hectic and happy time.

He then released the three little creatures to roam freely while he took out the steelwood saplings and planted them in the fertile soil of his glowing Flower Field. There were four saplings in total, and Ming hoped they would grow strong. He applied for two sludge cards as fertilizer and took out the corn and potatoes Erik had given him.

The corn, already dried, was ready to be used as seeds. Ming planted a few kernels in the fertile soil and saved the rest. As for the potatoes, Erik had instructed him to place them in a dark, slightly damp area of the house to sprout. After sprouting, he would cut them into pieces and bury them in the soil.