The Horror Hospital

"Welcome to the Personal Random map: The Horror Hospital."

"Complete the final boss's defeat within 24 hours, or the mission will fail. If you fail, you will remain here forever, waiting for the next survivor to rescue you. If your rescuer fails to defeat the boss, you will continue waiting..."

"Countdown: 23:58:48"

"The Horror Hospital," Ming muttered softly.

Although it was nighttime, it appeared as bright as day to his eyes. The surroundings were illuminated, and he felt no fear. He was sure this was not a copy formed from a regional upgrade and felt reassured.

To his surprise, the buildings here remained intact, albeit somewhat dilapidated. This made him think that the earthquake had been selective, preserving small areas from different parts of the world. Based on the map, this map was even smaller than the previous town with a chainsaw maniac, consisting only of a hospital and the building before him. It seemed too simple.