Did you two start dating?

Ming felt very uncomfortable. He found that when a person lost their left hand, or rather, when the left hand couldn't be used, relying on just the right hand was indeed very difficult. Now, he only had his right hand left.

He didn't want to let go of his left hand because letting go would mean the disappearance of 23,000 gold coins. He didn't make money in this situation and almost lost a lot.

[Congratulations on completing the Nightmare Level hidden task, reward: 20,000 experience points, 20,000 gold coins, the exclusive title 'King of the Arena', one platinum treasure chest, and 100 reputation points]

Ding~ Level up to 36.

"20,000 gold coins?"

[Title: King of the Arena]

[All attributes +10]

[Exclusive attribute: When fighting unarmed against others, all attributes increase by 10%]