Fire Tower

He examined the aureate radiance:

[Champion's Gilded Belt]


[Strength +30]

[Agility +10]

[Spirit +10]

[Exclusive Attribute: I Am the Champion – Inherent Taunt; any creature witnessing you wear the belt shall willingly seek to engage you in combat, ineffective against human beings]

[Exclusive Attribute: Symbol of a Champion – Wearing this belt, individuals will involuntarily regard you with reverence]

"Quite satisfactory!" Ming fastened the belt around his waist, its golden brilliance prominent. Somehow, he seemed to have embarked upon an inexorable path of ostentatious wealth, which only grew more luxurious with each step.

Alas, there was no alternative.

He proceeded to examine the additional items obtained from the platinum supply crate:

[Epic Treasure Map *1]

[Superior Treasure Map *2]

[Psionic Fire Elemental Defense Tower *1]