This place is home now

[Your froggies see a zombie carrying a huge hammer, staggering along the street. In front of it is a broken ground fissure...]

[Your Da Vinci tells foodie that it's time to do a good deed... foodie understands Da Vinci's meaning and rushes towards the zombie, hitting it from behind. The zombie flies up and falls into the ground fissure...]

[ Foodie squats on the ground and looks at the plump green caterpillar in front of it. It tells the caterpillar not to thank it and to be careful when walking in the future, so as not to be stepped on by a zombie, which would cause it to burst... it looks at the caterpillar and wonders, "What do you taste like?"]

Ding~ Your foodie kills a one-star lord, gaining 400 experience points and 100 gold coins.

"100 gold coins?"

100 gold coins are too few.