Is he dead ?


The five five-star king-level bosses stand close together like brothers, making it very difficult to deal with them. At the moment, the only method Ming can think of is to use a crossbow to shoot at one of them from a distance, and then lure it out to be killed.

However, this idea only flashes through his mind, because what if he shoots an arrow and all of them get alarmed?

He can deal with humanoid zombies, but there's even a giant porcupine among them. No wonder he saw many zombies with bone spurs in their chests along the way; they were all the porcupine's handiwork.

Porcupines are not easy to deal with. For now, he'll focus on making money and think of a plan later.

[Your froglets are getting drunk and are crawling around the ground in circles around the bottle... Da Vinci grins and tells Foodie that if Ming were a froglet, he would definitely marry him...]