"Truly shameless!" 

[Napoleon had all his subordinates hidden in a distant forest beyond an ancient fortress. Alone, he rode an armored wild boar, standing before the fortress gates, croaking to call out the pig inside for a discussion.]

[Your Napoleon watched as a round, burly figure with a pig's head emerged, wielding a rake. The black-furred pig-man laughed, mocking Napoleon for fleeing so quickly the last time. "You have the nerve to come back?"]

[Your Napoleon retorted, "What do you know? That was a strategic retreat. Now, I'm back for a strategic attack. Do you think you understand strategy better than I do?"]

"Are they seriously taunting each other now?"

Ming returned to his vehicle, checking Napoleon's travel route. Slapping Kubo, he instructed, "Drive. Let's go."

Nine-toothed rake, black-furred pig-man.

I'm coming.