"My darling, my love, I am coming~~"

Ming watched as Enyo fell down, confident in his calculations. "This should be precise," he murmured to himself. Considering the windspeed, force, and altitude, everything was accounted for. Now, all he hoped for was that the rope wouldn't snap.

The rope was made of spider silk, crafted meticulously by Ming. The tenacity of the spiderweb was unmatched, and to not use it as a rope seemed a waste. When summoning Enyo, Ming swiftly cocooned it in the webbing, then cast it downward with the attached rope.


As Enyo descended, it rolled in the air, its eyes fixing on the human above. A silent exchange passed between them; Enyo's gaze seemed to say, "Thank you," to which Ming's eyes softly replied, "You're welcome."

Perfectly positioned, Enyo hovered just above the town. And so, the chaos began.