Super Talent - Fish in Water

Amid Napoleon's conversation with the Mackerel Sharks, Ming learned of the island's name: Little Marco Island. He pondered on what its name might be in the human world.

He turned to the mermaid, Lorelei, at his side. "Now, tell me of your presence here. Surely, you aren't a true mermaid, are you?"

Lorelei lowered her gaze, twirling the tip of her hair. "I came here many days ago in search of some provisions. I encountered plunderers who took all I possessed, and then... you can imagine their intent, can't you?"

Ming shook his head, "I cannot."

Lifting her eyes, Lorelei met his gaze but soon retreated, lowering her head again. "Have you never been in love? No matter. Their intentions were vile. Do you see that cliff over yonder?"